Allrighty. Let's unpack this.
"I logged in last night and found out you had been accusing me of things."
Nope. angee and I have already been over what "accusing" means.
angee wrote:
charge (someone) with an offense or crime.
"he was accused of murdering his wife's lover"
synonyms: charge with, indict for, arraign for; More claim that (someone) has done something wrong.
"he was accused of favoritism"
synonyms: blame for, lay/pin the blame on for, hold responsible for, inculpate for,hold accountable for;"
charge (someone) with an offense or crime.
I hate repeating myself. For the third time:
The action I described (Tryp quoting Cadaver in chat) was not a crime. Nor was it the least bit offensive to me.
Therefore I was not accusing you (Tryp) of anything.
I told an anecdote in chat. It was funny.