Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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Posts: 696
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

ThenFuckit stated: source post

I had no choice, it is up to her in the end.
If i use few words == 90% failure
I chose the best thing i can. I pandered to her bullshit as much as i could.

Well at least you seem sane.

Posts: 10218
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Turncoat stated: source post

Perhaps it's Schizotypal Personality Disorder?


In the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5, schizotypal personality disorder is defined as a "pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships as well as by cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentricities of behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts." At least five of the following symptoms must be present: ideas of reference, strange beliefs or magical thinking, abnormal perceptual experiences, strange thinking and speech, paranoia, inappropriate or constricted affect, strange behavior or appearance, lack of close friends, and excessive social anxiety that does not abate and stems from paranoia rather than negative judgments about self. These symptoms must not occur only during the course of a disorder with similar symptoms (such as schizophrenia or autism spectrum disorder).[19]


Posts: 1566
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Perhaps, but i do not think its schizophrenia, maybe self-entitled + some paranoia.

Posts: 1121
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Edvard stated: source post

"I'm curious, what have you done for the forum? Being active as a user?"

I've always fought for the welfare of the community and keeping things within the vision we both have about it. I was never silent when an issue came up. I've been here long enough to be taken more seriously than others and my say in things definitely tipped the balance in our favor. Last thing that I can remember to quote as example was the "No More Mods Party" shit.

You should ask Crow who the "PEOPLE who did most for the forum" are and what she meant by that. I was just as confused when I read that as the next person.

I was referring mostly to Turncoat.  Obviously he's done the most.  But you've also made a point of blaming Sugar and I.  I did quite a bit behind the scenes throughout this incident, in order to protect the forum.    Sugar was involved in that too, to a lesser degree, and has always been valued support in the right moments.    After you egged Luna on and demanded we compromised our values as a community, you're in no position to claim that none other than TC and Luna have done more for this forum than you.  And the fact that you would point out the weight of your own opinions after openly supporting Luna, only further serves to show how you have definitely not done the most good for this place.


Edvard stated: source post

"And by the way, you can't run around instigating and victim blaming, and then tell said victim that there should be "no hard feelings".  That's the basis of all this.  That you don't understand what you did wrong.  You think we're all supposed to be completely fine with you're behaviour.  We're not.  Get over it."

You and Crow have been surprised when people saw and treated you as a whole in the past, but here she is, talking in your place, telling me that you're not pleased enough with just agreeing to disagree with me. That I made a victim out of you and you need me telling you (and her, apparently) how wrong I was to make you (and her) feel better, basically. We've had discussions together after the Luna incident, even the night it happened, and we seemed fine Turn. Why is your woman so bent on painting you as my victim now and throwing all those "we's" around for something I said to you?

 Quote where I spoke for him. : P

Posts: 10218
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Xena stated: source post

If I were luna, this forum would have been gone. I would have pulled the plug on everybody who can't mind their manners on a  real forum about a week ago.

Why not just find a forum that caters more to people like yourself then? There's tons of forums out there, and why we pick this place is because of what it currently is. If you'd prefer rules and moderation, find a place that offers it.

Like holy fuck. The kid did all of this for you for free. And all she asked for was a little courtesy and y'all turned it into a war.

This misses the point in so many ways:

  1. o She admitted that we were being used as beta testers of her software development. Without us there'd be less bugs to find.
  2. o She expected this place to become her future success story, and that "traffic" is how she'd get there. Without us, there's less traffic.
  3. o She expected us to become followers, complaining about how we don't fall into that niche for her.
  4. o She signed up for this originally expecting that M.E. would be paying her for her efforts once she took over.
  5. o When she's actually connected to the place instead of elsewhere (reddit), she doesn't ask for courtesy, she asks for obedience and ass kissing under the label "loyalty", otherwise ignoring most of us while posting about herself. This forum's supposed to be about freedoms, something she was boasting about prior to completely contradicting herself. You don't see me banning people when they try to attack me.
  6. o She's tried to get money out of us a few times, mostly giving up from seeing that none of us (other than wilful) care to fund her.
  7. o This all grew out of proportion from her paranoia flaring uncontrollably from Kiwi drama (that she largely brought on herself).
  8. o This forum was its own thing before she came around, and we shouldn't have to change our dynamic (especially this many years later). We come here because of what it is, not what it could become.
  9. o I know there's a lot more here I'm forgetting.

It's about her ego and how we could be used, the traffic that we'd bring, how we'd further her success story. On top of that, she turns it into a war when she not only fights against her own traffic, but when she goes to other forums and makes a mockery out of herself and then starts going ban-crazy over conspiracy theories while supporting someone who's openly out to destroy other sites. She threw the first stone, and what followed was this.

This forum to her's been about herself from the start, and keeping it up at this point is likely for the aim of containing a rebellion. This place otherwise would host its own content where she has no control over it whatsoever, and from there they'd find ways to try to tear her down further. Giving in like this is one of the best if not only PR moves she has.

Newsflash. I stopped arguing about this pages and pages ago.

I'm mocking you now.

So yeah. I have way more balls and brains than you, you silly twat. Sorry you don't grasp my irony through your Grumpy Cat snarlz.

I love how you felt the need to point this out. 

Ima go to bed now. If I see dick pics here when I wake up, I might respond a few more times. Give me pretty twinks with wiry arms and bulging boners.

This too. This one shows that you worry about what others might think is the case if you don't respond to them. You need us to know you're leaving so that we won't think you're just avoiding the subject.

The irony is that you usually stay online for a good deal past your supposed need to leave, and you continue during such times to avoid points. 

Posts: 10218
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

ThenFuckit stated: source post

I do not think Xena is schizophrenic, i just think she is extremely self-entitled, so this is why everyone are out to get her, especially wooster.

I've met a lot of self-entitled people in my life, and none of them have been quite this flavor of nutty from that alone.

I think there's more going on with her than she wants us to know.

Posts: 1121
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Backtrack?  I just explained this to you.  I was mainly thinking of Turncoat at the time.  I said "people", because of Sugar and myself to a much lesser degree.


I never made that claim about myself.  I have done things to protect this forum, and I'm not going to feign humility to please you.  And no, I am not speaking of spamming.  I'm pointing out that the people you are choosing to blame for this, are people who have protected this place.  You're the one who made this into a damn competition.


You may have thought both sides were dumb, but you repeatedly sided with Luna's "solution", telling Turncoat to compromise his beliefs for it.  And when he wouldn't you went on loudly and often, about how this is his fault.  Do you really believe yourself impartial in this?


Exactly.  "We all".  Who do you think "all" is?  All does not denote two people.  It denotes a group.  And I certainly did not say that that group doesn't include Turncoat.  I'm referring to everyone here who thinks you were in the wrong, and don't bother trying to pretend it's just me.  And when I spoke of "all" of us, it was merely to refer to the opinion that you were in the wrong in some way, nothing more specific.  Do you deny that there is more than  one person on this forum who thinks you were, in one way or another, in the wrong during this event?

Posts: 1566
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

That sounds like it could be it.

Posts: 5426
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Crow stated:

I was referring mostly to Turncoat.

Don't backtrack, you said "people" and Luna wasn't among them. You counted yourself and probably Sugar among them, hmm? Let's see if you have enough guts and sincerity to admit it since you claim those are your thing.


Crow stated:

you're in no position to claim that none other than TC and Luna have done more for this forum than you.

But you are, about yourself? Why, just for spamming Luna's dox that night because if Turn wasn't mod you'd rather burn the place down? Don't let it get to your head, it shows and it's ugly.


Crow stated:

"After you egged Luna on and demanded we compromised our values as a community, you're in no position to claim that none other than TC and Luna have done more for this forum than you.", "openly supporting Luna"

You simply can't get that I thought both sides were doing dumb things and I supported no one, or are you just that desperate to win this argument at the cost of honesty and objectivity? I'm tired of you twisting shit and pushing whatever "political catchphrases" suit your side of the argument Crow, which turned into nothing but an effort to discredit me at this point. So much for that intellectual honesty and decency I thought you had.


Crow stated:

Quote where I spoke for him. : P

("And by the way, you can't run around instigating and victim blaming, and then tell said victim that there should be "no hard feelings".  That's the basis of all this.  That you don't understand what you did wrong.  You think we're all supposed to be completely fine with you're behaviour.  We're not.  Get over it.")

Because you weren't commenting on how something I directed at him "wasn't enough", and "we" and "we all" mean you and your mother and a whole bunch of other people except Turncoat. I'm really done with this argument for good now Crow, it reached unbearable levels of cringey at this point.

Posts: 1121
Xena = Judas (Offical thread for hanging of the Judas)

Turncoat stated: source post

I don't think Crow was trying to make it a comparison versus herself, more so denying your claims of doing something for the community. Also, your claims of how you support the forum don't really negate Sugar/Inq's claims of how you operate publicly versus privately.

Crow and others are saying that taking the appearance of Luna's side and directing statements like "I blame you for this" towards me when she and I disagree are the sort of things that would enable Luna to push her mania-driven agenda further. She only needs at least one person to pat her on the back for her to continue the path she treads, as Dexter has showcased. By protecting yourself in that way, the costs pile up around the others.

At least if you were to say "Yeah, I did it for me", that'd be another story.

It's been explained to him already, in almost exactly the same words.  He won't hear it.  He just talks in circles, more often about our supposed "tactics of argument" than the actual subject matter.  Ed can't handle confrontation.

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