Yeah. You weren't even there.
What if I was?
And because Xena says I am Wooster, who is anyone to argue with the harbinger of her own special brand of truth?
And, Jose, I would be delighted XD
A man of 100001 masks, why would I not be Obsidian, Mee, Cricket , Crow , several others to name but a few.
But don't forget my Nappy Doo! Mee was complaining about it, when I explained it was made from the waxings of my butthole.
Nope. Just returning hilarious with hilarious. In joke with in joke.
Puppet hunting is funny. So is the long obsession with Obsidian that the PFers invented and then tried to foist on to me.
No need to remember a thing. We're all just joking around and having a good time, here.