Exorcism. It will chase out the demons.
...like something that was meant to happen... [1]
...just feels like what was meant to happen. [2]
But you shied away when Tony said "angels"~ [3]
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
[1] First OP's post.; [2] The post just above mine.; [3] Reference to Tony's comment just bellow the first OP's post.
AHA! That's an edge of sleep auditory dream. I have those all the time.
If I'm in a moving vehicle, especially on public transit and I'm exhausted, I let myself cat nap but I won't allow myself to drift down into a full sleep. The sounds around me blend in with my own mental voice and memories and imagination and become sort of a wall of dream material. It's kind of comforting to me, bc I get a bit of a synaesthetic effect when I'm sleeping. It's like hearing and being massaged by moving water or light breezes in a way. The real and imagined voices are all around and playing over my most tense and damaged places, if you can picture it, but if anything sounds wrong I'm alert enough to snap back to full waking consciousness in a second or 2. Besides the dark behind my eyelids with the occasional brightening, there are no visual dreams to distract from the sound massage while I'm in this state.
I usually wake from this light sleep mentally refreshed, but still somewhat physically tired. Catnapping is not really a good substitute for a real 6 hour 4 stage sleep experience.
Maybe add a visit to a sleep clinic to your to-do list if it turns out to not be a stroke, epilepsy or what have you. Like I said, I get this effect when I'm forcing myself to stay partially alert. In your case, it sounds like some physical state beyond your control may be keeping you awake on some level, and keeping you from reaching full REM sleep with visual dreams. Idk if the auditory dream state happens to all sleep deprived people, but it may be just a secondary symptom of being sleep deprived bc of whatever else is going on with you.
You don't hear that voice when you're fully vertical and walking around town, right?
Thanks Dr Savage. Having done some research myself, I think it's more likely to be along the lines of this http://www.m.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/mental-health-brief-psychotic-disorder, but there is nothing a bit of dong can't sort out so I'll bear your recommendation in mind.
sounds like possible old head trauma - something that could have happened a while back and is showing itself now. A panic attack is panicky, like not a chill experience you can hang with. I would mention it to a doctor more outta curiousity and see what they say. The voices sound interesting.