Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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"I wasn't trying to prove anything. Words alone don't prove jack shit."

Well, this thread has almost completely turned about you and your dx in case you haven't noticed. It looks very much to me like you're trying to prove something. If you wouldn't care about opinions, why even getting in an argumentation about an useless label and waste time and effort, ffs. I honestly don't care whether you or anyone else here has ASpD, PTSD, Ebola or whatever in case you really wanna know. I mean, why should I give a fuck.

"You simply do not appear on your doctor's doorstep as an adult"

I get the point. But why trying to prove something about a stranger? Why wasting effort? Even if you prove to be right, it won't make a change in the end anyway. This usually happens when ds shows up so it has to be a personal reason. Just tell her in the face that you dislike her.

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I don't dislike Reaper.

And it would be really weird if you got Ebola. Seriously.

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"Well, this thread has almost completely turned about you and your dx in case you haven't noticed. It looks very much to me like you're trying to prove something."

I'm not trying to prove a goddamn thing, and I'm not the one that made it about my fucking diagnosis.

For the 3rd, 5th, 20th fucking time now people can believe whatever they want. I refuse to talk about it anymore.

I'm sick to death of being interrogated.

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"I'm not trying to prove a goddamn thing"
Somewhat true... You're trying to use your supposed ASPD diagnosis to disprove the claims of PTSD, even though that what could be used to claim that disorder could explain other ones that you don't like as much, ones that make it harder to continue your badass facade you've spent years reinforcing for your own sake.

So, what are you on disability for, and what were you in therapy for for those six months?

"I'm sick to death of being interrogated."
We can tell. It's interesting, considering you normally like having an excuse to talk about yourself, but this case seems to be a little more triggering for you:

I'm done discussing this.
so we're going to end this discussion now
Just stop now. I've had enough of this.
I'm not going to accept a diagnosis I was neevr fucking given, so just stop
omfg, you're relentless. I'm fucking DONE with this.
I refuse to talk about it anymore.

Keep trolling...
Keep chasing your tail, turdcoat.
because I really do believe you're just trolling at this point.

There's other examples too (like desperately trying to make it about me), but these cover some of the more obvious presentations, and how unbalanced it's making you is even having you avoid questions and points that could have steered away from this.

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Yes Edvard I see you. Still that needy kid tugging on my shirt trying to get my attention.

Why do you want me to pay attention to you so bad ? I haven't spoke to you in almost 2 years. Yet you keep trying to talk to me, sending me messages. Your like that weird kid in school who keeps trying to sit with the cool kids at lunch. lol

Fuck dude. You need to pull up your big girl panties and move on. 

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Excuse you?

Pick on somebody your own size. The fuck are you doing bothering a little girl for correcting you?

Shame on you  :P

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Shut up and post your pic.

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Bikers call their main squeeze their "old lady." His girlfriend probably calls him her old man. It usually sounds more like ol' lady/man. 

45 isn't too old for a mother to be living, you're correct, but that doesn't look like the bathroom of an elderly woman is the observation I intended to make. I would find your jab more satisfying if you accused him of it being his sister's.

You seem to often repeat similar insults. Kudos to you, (I'm so interested) it took me nearly two years to notice! I'm not protecting anyone, this is the Internet, I simply wanted to make an observation.

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He's not married, and who the hell calls their gf "old lady". He's around TK's age, 45, does having a mother at that age seem weird to you?

Who else have I called a spineless mommy's boy lately to accuse me of redundancy? I don't say things here for relevance, everyone can agree I don't lack attention. I say things that I just feel like saying. Why do you even protect this joke? If I believed he was smart enough to make a payment online I'd think he was a new client you lower yourself for in exchange for money you aren't capable of making otherwise, but that's not the case.

Posts: 415
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Work on your insults. You're beginning to remind me of Jim with the repetition :(

"Old lady" means girlfriend/wife in this context and that bathroom is not mommy caliber. (Plus, how old is who? His mother?)

Freshen up your game if you want to stay relevant.  


Just my opinion (which matters very little) I enjoy watching the verbal sparring here.. until it gets redundant and plain. I need fresh comebacks for my writing. Improve if you're worthy, other users do it.

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