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Posts: 191
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

No no no. Tony doesn't bring up dick to our SC ladies.

Last time I was talking about dick, is when someone was trying to convince me to post a picture of it, probably because at the time everyone was making fun of me calling me Tiny. Can't remember who it was who asked, maybe it was you.

Posts: 191
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Of course. If I made a thread titled my giant cock, and everyone in the chat was saying. Wow Tony, that's a big dick...

Well... You'd NEVER click that thread !

Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Actually, you have made references to dick in my presence. Can't remember what you said now.

Swy tone. You're not that memorable.

And no, I don't need those horny chat boys as much as I need a decent wage for my labour, dumbass. Those horndogs don't pay my rent.

Fair pay legislation guarantees that my rent gets paid for the 40+ hours of work I put in every week, not a bunch of creeps on an internet forum.

Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

And limey, thanks for trying to give Tony credit for what I just wrote. It's in this post right here.

I am the one who doesn't have time to explain things to him.

He's the one who knows shit about the liberal feminist values I try to live by and he's the one painting all of feminism with his whiny man rhetoric.

But maybe he'll listen to you bc you have a penis.


Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Oops. Double post.


I haz a space for MOAR RONDA <3 <3 <3



Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Ew. lol




I'd rather kiss Ronda  <3

Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

"I think what Tony lacks the energy (due to being in the presence of people who are not open minded..."

If you're referring to me, you're sadly mistaken.

My original argument with Tony happened in chat the other day and it was about Ronda. That's it. He said "Ronda's not a feminist. She hates feminists. She sticks it to feminists."

I dug up some vids to prove that he doesn't know wth he's talking about.

Read some of my posts before you try to tell me how openminded I am (or am not.)


*Edit: I'm liking the vid so far, tho  ;)


Posts: 191
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

I gave her University footage of how the very students of feminism claim their movement against a peaceful men's rights gathering, and I gave her a University Professor, who highlights some issues with feminism, and she called it internet jargon.

I can say the same thing as you word for word Limey, and I can post the same coverage, but she's programmed to assault me so she wouldn't take it from me.

Feels better when someone can see what's happening. Thank you. 

Posts: 408
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Are you basically arguing over semantics and saying 'feminism doesn't mean what you think it means' (like ppl who say all Islam/Christianity is radical, and define political movements by their most extreme elements)?

Or do you actually have a problem with feminism by your own definition, ie gender equality? 

Posts: 29
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Well that is exactly the Point I was making.



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