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Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Go find a university. Uof T is pretty good.

Get into a course of study that you find suitable.

Apply for OSAP.

Then when you pick your mandatory courses and register for the year, find out where the Women's Studies dept. is.

Check your courses for a class that's compatible with your schedule.

Ask a Women's Studies prof to allow you to audit her class.

Some profs will allow you to scoot in for free. Some will ask that you pay up to half the usual cost with your tuition.

Either way it's not very expensive.


I don't have time to educate you. Go to a professional like the rest of us had to do.

Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

You're reacting to internet spin, Tony.

I told you to go to a classroom and see for yourself.

I showed a vid of Ronda talking real feminism and you still say she's not a feminist.


I'm showing you green and you keep telling me it's purple.

I show you green and purple together and you keep insisting that green is purple and purple is green.

Then you show me the internet conspiracy theorist who got you all confused in the first place and think you're proving some point.


One more time: That thing you and the MGTOWs are knocking is NOT feminism. It's whining.

Ronda IS a feminist who hates whiners.

You and the MGTOWs have got a lot of things bassackwards.

Also: Ima look up that Fiamengo woman's credentials. I bet they're nonexistent.

Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

"I don't care about Ronda either. I understand she is approached by idiots who think they're feminist, and they ask her idiot questions. She doesn't give a damn, she has fortune and fame and she earned it."


Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

"You can't even give me a hint of what you're talking about, because you know it'll make you sound dumb."


Nope. I just don't have time, dude.

Feminism is huge. Like Marxism, liberalism, protestantism, etc. It's an entire school of thought and I don't have time to explain it all to you.

Here's a hint of what I'm talking about.


There are literally hundreds more universities full of people who have made gender equality their life's work. It would take weeks to make you understand the first thing about it. You're like a religious nut ignoring the Copernican Revolution.  Wallow in your ignorance if you must, but don't try to sell it to me as enlightenment.

Posts: 191
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

Judging by the time it took you to respond, you never even watched the "footage"

You can't even give me a hint of what you're talking about, because you know it'll make you sound dumb.

Feminism is not about gender equality. A movement about equality wouldn't be named after a gender.

I don't care about Ronda either. I understand she is approached by feminist, and they ask her feminist questions. She doesn't give a damn, she has fortune and fame and she earned it.

Posts: 191
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

So. When a women is successful, that makes her a feminist. I get you.

Posts: 191
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

I know more about feminism than you do.


Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

No, I wouldn't.

There are a lot of SC threads and links i don't click on bc I know they'll show disgusting pics all over my screen.

I have kids.

Posts: 631
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P


I don't want to see your penis.

Posts: 696
For Tony and the other sc idiots who don't know what feminism is :P

I love the old "feminism isn't about equality because it's named after one gender". So petty. Ever heard the term "mankind"?


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