Because where else can you engage in a horrifically long, self-centered text without destroying your social construct?
See, here you are getting defensive again.
You've convinced yourself that you're a psychopath, so this is probably going to be pointless, but if I can be bothered at some point I will break down your post and show you precisely why I believe you're not one.
This has nothing to do with what I am. This is not a pissing contest.
You wanted to know what people think (after all, you posted the thread) and I'm telling you.
It's her thread and her words that I'm basing my opinion on. Duh
I mean, seriously, what is the point in posting a thread telling everyone you're a psychopath unless you're seeking validation.
I just happen to disagree with her self-diagnosis and for good reason. Read her post and maybe you'll understand why.
She hasn't requested anything tangible from me, and if she did, it would be entirely up to me whether I can be bothered giving it to her.
I already said I might break up her post and explain why I believe she's not a psychopath, if I can be bothered to at some point. I shouldn't have to do that though because it's rather obvious in her post as it is.
If you actually read her post instead of talking out your ass, you might just see why I have the opinion I have. Then again, your comprehension skills are somewhat lacking. So, I don't hold out much hope there.
Maybe the reason she (and others) thinks you're boring is because you never say anything. Ever.
Your entire oeuvre consists of vague allusions towards some kind of deeper understanding of the matter at hand, which you then aver you're just too fucking lazy to share with the rest of us.
In all likelihood, you have no deeper understanding of anything. Your efforts to impress and convey a certain image have not been just too fucking lazy. On the contrary. Why, then, are you suddenly just too fucking lazy when someone actually requests something tangible from you? Because you have nothing tangible.
If ever you had something, a deeper understanding, something worth saying, something that provides an increment of superiority over someone else on the forums, you would say it. You wouldn't be stable enough to limit yourself to these silly allusions (and so it goes with Sugar's address; if you actually had it, you would not be stable enough to resist proving yourself to the doubters).
'She hasn't requested anything tangible from me'. Oh, come on. Are you just snot in a fucking jar until someone 'requests' something more from you? What a way to live your life.
You're never going to give it up, are you?
The worst thing is that somewhere beneath all the pretense and the layers upon layers upon layers of excessive aesthetic bullshit, there's probably a bearable person and, whilst currently everything you say offends every one of my senses, I might be able to get over that (or at least learn to ignore it) if you'd just admit that you've fucked up in the way you've presented yourself here and ask for a reprieve.
But you're simultaneously too prideful and too cowardly to do that.