"The bigger question is, how does parenting methods relate to ones upbringing in society ? What I pointed out there is people's willingness to follow whatever the law tells them. In this case a traditional parenting method has been outlawed, and the masses became complaint."
Last I heard, the Sweden Democrats has become the highest-polling political party in Sweden, which would imply the population there is not compliant with the status quo, and wants some major changes. As someone who follows world events, but is not intimately familiar with Sweden as a Swede or scholar of Sweden would be, I can only speak with limited perspective.
"Okay. But this thread is about white trash, and I use the term white cause 95% of the time when they spiral out of control, it's white kids. Time outs and trying to reason with those children don't work. Corporal punishment is 100% so long as the punishment promotes respect for others."
How do you know that the issue isn't bad parenting itself? Many kids are being raised on TVs and neglected. I think all of us here can agree on that. You said yourself: "The world is becoming a train wreck. Even our entertainment is considerably far out in the modern norm." Think of how that might affect what a kid sees on TV. I also related to what you said there with a story about how rampant desensitization has become...literally to a point where people don't recognize they're desensitized. I imagine you could see how this desensitization can also cause problems in the home.
Sweden in particular has a 60% approval rating for the war on cannabis too. It's not only happening in Sweden, but people rather frown at a non lethal substance more than alcohol and tobacco, because it's against the law. This is far from independent thinking."
Perhaps 90% of Swedes support their corporal punishment ban because it is effective? Are you implying that Swedes as a group never take issue with established policies? I would think that if a ban on corporeal punishment was causing pandemonium across their homes, it would not have such a high approval rating—it would probably have been repealed already.
"I never said the people generally believe that alcohol is better."
It sounded that way when you said: "Now alcohol's legal and people are fine with it more than they are about weed." But maybe I misunderstood you.
"When laws are passed, it will come into play, the public's scrutiny will eventually come, though traditionally it takes many decades of trail because a majority collectively side with laws they cannot defeat."
I see what you are saying here. The prohibition of alcohol in the United States is perfect example of how laws are overturned when they are causing major problems. It does sometimes take a while for a society to realize the folly of legislation it pushes forward, yes. In the case of prohibition in the US—13 years.
"I don't understand what you mean by that. Canada is the most diverse nation in the world. We have politicians wearing turbans working next to a variety of races. Some of my white people actually think it's awkward being white in Toronto. Canada plans on taking in 25,000 Syrian refugees, so we'll see how that pans out. But I'll tell you this. There will be no crying racist at job interviews and the government settling it with money like Sweden does."
Canada is culturally diverse. Sweden (to my knowledge) has long prided itself on cultural homogeneity. There would be the issue of culture shock, alongside all the problems that go along with taking in tons of migrants.
"Even as an adult I'd rather a long 10 seconds of a giant human being who I love kick my ass, then do the weeks or months or years of family therapy or anger management."
Getting your ass kicked would give you insight into your problems?