AC Chat stated:
Luna: we need to fix all the bugs, then add a self moderation thread system
Luna: so that thread creators can direct their threads
Captain Chaos: turncoat is awesome the way he is :P
Luna: one day a forum will be created that isnt ran like a dictatorship, but rather is more like… an organism that controls itself
Luna: and perhaps that kind of forum will be the future
Luna: so i hope we can be the creators
Captain Chaos: turncoat is the brain
Luna: turncoat would happily split SC members with anothner forum if it meant him becoming mod there hes proven that, as an organism, he isnt as interested in growing as he is expanding his domain
Luna: that is imperialism, and greed, and ambition, and bias
Luna: a good forum of the future wont have that
Captain Chaos: turncunt is free of imperialism and greed
Captain Chaos: i call him turncunt all da time and hes cool with it
Luna: haha
Zomg Projection.