- ming: i don't use this word lightly but holy projection batman stop thinking about my dick
by sycophantIsn't that why you spend so much time here, sugar, with your near 3000 posts of utter garbage? You idiots put so much time into this make believe land of the rejects, playing king of the sw ring because in real life, if you tried that shit, you'd get knocked the fuck out. Just another Elliot Roger, aren't you ;D
by Turncoat"Just another Elliot Roger, aren't you ;D"
I really hope this catches on as an insult.
Who is Elliot Roger?
EDIT: never mind: Google helped me out.
Buddy, if you are going to imply I was disowned, at least fake it that I said it somewhere, so you don't make yourself look like an idiot that creates assumptions from thin air. Flattered that you think what I say is a memorable quote, but admiring amazing men won't make a miracle and turn you into one.
3:41 Venator of Verum: Medium rare. I don't want to poop another calf foetus in the morning.In any case, I wish you all a good night's tiding and a well deserved rest. I'm too silly to chat any more due to intoxication by smoking onion juice.
5:03 AlmightyJim: lol what
5:04 Hayasa: xD
6:31 Systematic: hmm
10:49 Edvard: fucking hell, that's got to be the most brutal chat kill I've seen so far