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Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?


by Venator of Verum

I just don't really care about superficiality.

All of the above does not mean that I abhor people for their superficial gusto.


 You used ‘superficial’ twice there, and - as taken by the context - not as a factual neutral qualifier (as in ‘clothing is on the surface of the body’), but rather in a negative value-ridden sense. Wonder why so?
First off, “fashion” (the design, manufacture and wearing of stuff you put on your body; both on the maker’s and the user’s side) is just like any other constructive/creative engineering process, translating idea into materia - abstract to tangible. Much like cooking, architecture, composing music or literature & so forth. Basically it’s geometry of the human shape.

Only very few of us live in a climate (geographical & cultural alike) where you can go stark naked or in a loincloth; other than that you put on clothes. Unless you live in such abject poverty that you wear only what’s freely available (given or found), you make a somewhat conscious choice of what you put on yourself - even at the lowest price-point there are multiple choices, so it’s not a money issue. That choice you make when you pick a certain item above the rest speaks just as much about your innerworkings as the choice of words you use to express your thoughts / the choice of books on your bookshelf / your taste in music etc. etc. In short, you can gauge a person’s intellect / predilections / personality etc. by their choice of socks so to speak, with pretty high accuracy. One of life’s many visual clues.
99.99+ % of people you encounter you’ll never make any (verbal & otherwise) contact with, other than observing their visual presence. Most of which is clothing. (And rightly so - most people look a lot worse without clothes than within.) People are part of the landscape, and as such the sight they present will impact your sense of wellbeing - same as architecture, geography, nature does. If you’re surrounded by ugly shit it will make you feel like shit, and what goes around comes around.
That’s what the Italian concept of “bella figura” is all about (not restricted to fashion but applies to all aspects of life) - offering your best possible sight to your fellow citizens’ eyes. It’s a matter of civic pride, said to elevate the communal sense of well-being, which is a cornerstone of a content, functioning society. (It originates from the city-state times when ‘citizenship’ had an actual meaning.)

In short, what’s visible on the outside is the reflection of the inside (not gonna quote the Nag Hammadi again, ha!) The whole idea of materia being superficial is a puritan construct, designed to rob the masses off of their sensory interaction with the external world. 


/ to be continued //

Posts: 10218
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?

Too poor to have much fashion. I typically wear black cargo pants, black laceless shoes, a shirt typically from Threadless, Thinkgeek, or Broadway (plus a few shirts from cons), and a hoody/black jacket/green winter jacket, aka my high school/college clothes. If I had the funds I'd upgrade my wardrobe.

I also have a pair of jeans and a pair of green cargos, and a few button up shirts, but my fashion is mostly black clothing with a colorful shirt, if not the hoody being the main source of color.

Posts: 431
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?


by 1337 h4x0r theBlack
well ure probably way more fit than me. all i do is sit in front of the computer all day and eat a shitload of junk food. it keeps my mind in shape though. thats what matters right??


Posts: 224
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?

Couldn't agree more. I wear trainers day to day, but I don't now how I'd manage if I didn't have a pair of tough combat boots to resort to when shit goes down. 

I've got two pairs on the go right now. A pair of leather Austrian combat boots and a pair of of Magnum Classics.

I couldn't recommend either of them more. The combat boots are good for dicking around, when you don't have to cover much ground or when your boots might get properly ruined. Jesus Christ though, the Magnums are the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever had. There was zero break in time and they are soooo breathable. Buy a pair immediately!

Anyway, yeah. I like boots.

Posts: 431
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?

I've never found better boots than Dr. Martens.

Posts: 2485
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?


by Gypsy

 Worried that this was a picture of a jacket I actually own, I searched for it on google images.

Why would you be worried about that? It's not like it's being worn by anyone in the image.


One of the first results that came up was as an illustration for an article called 'Can middle-aged ladies wear biker jackets'. Lol.

 I simply googled the image. I don't usually care to look at the website the images are attached to.

Posts: 689
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?

Pfft. Of course they can.



^ Katey Sagal. Sons of Anarchy. :P



^ Dale Dickey. True Blood.



^Doro Pesch.

They're all older than Reaper and me, in case you're too young to be familiar with talent.

Is that article for real? Or smthg you just made up to further your trolling efforts?

Posts: 35
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?

Posts: 408
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?

Do you want the jacket, Thrill? I probably won't wear it again now I realise it's the standard image for 'womens leather jacket' in every website on the internet.

It's brown though, not black, and it's a UK size 6. Will it fit?


Posts: 408
Does SC Have Any Fashion Sense?

Any chance of a picture, TC? Obvs not of your face if you don't feel like sharing (although I am curious if you look like your avatar), just of what you're wearing.

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