Any how missB, what else did you learn about Tc and why did you feel the need to dramatically declare what you would do to sadrapist? Are you and TC close enough that you could go out and destroy another person for what happened to him years back?
betasperg is your nickname for a reason :D
i'll humor you. missb's english is pretty consistent and i know for fact that shes the same person. unobservant's english is horrendous. which hes spewing batshit. and i was making fun of him.
WW3 stated: source post
missb's english is pretty consistent and i know for fact that shes the same person.
Empressing stated: source post
I would not jump to assumptions.
The thing is...I can be pretty successful when I want to be successful. I mean I was accepted in one of the top twenty universities in the world. I still crave the apocalypse because I want to see everything turn upside down. I don't want to live a meaningless life. I mean sure the "Grow up, get a job, have kids, retire, die" sounds adequate. I find I have more potential that I want to tap. I personally would like to meet aliens and learn about their culture. It would probably be even more satisfying than an apocalypse.
Astamiss stated: source post
... It was a feeling that he did not enjoy it accept. I get he might enjoy pain if it is true. It shows that he has a limit. It comes to a threshold where he no longer enjoys the suffering.
I sympathise because he was put in a horrific situation even he did not enjoy. I sympathise he felt degraded and powerless to such an extremely extent he hated the situation. It came to the point he told people because it was so unnerving.
I know he will never forget the experience. I'm not saying it is a apparent he is being influence. I am saying it is an experience that shaped him. It might have negative or positive outcomes. I am to assume there will be both positive and negative outcomes. I wish he did not have an experience so horrible that it will resignation with him.
Yes references in a thread on the old site. I was flipping through the search under turncoat. It was referenced. I locked on it and saw the entire thread. I got referred to the search engine by turncoat. I ask around if its true and someone gave me the thread on this forum.
I learned stuff like his weight. It was 170 pounds. I learned about his waiter career. I am not able to go through all he information as of yet... I just got shocked by the rape. I don't have to be that close to him to care for him. I named three reasons why I would make an enemy of his rapist...
Astamiss stated: source post
What I don't get is why it doesn't upset you that he was raped. I give power to those I want to give power. I wanted to get to know him as an individual. I did. I chose this as my journey to learn of him.
Why should I be upset? It doesn't make any sense for me to be distraught over someone else's history. I'm rarely upset over my own circumstances.
If you want to learn about him, why not just ask him questions or offer condolences/support directly instead of sperging out publicly? What are you hoping to gain from this "journey"?