"If it wasn't fap material, what was it? You wanted the recording of an orgasm of someone you claimed to believe to be a female, so you could.... "find out more about her"? : P"
I know it'd be great if it was fap material but in all honestly it was nothing more than a cringey flirt, I never actually expected an orgasm recording lol
"I understand not remembering the vocaroo well at this point. I understand a shitty sound recording being potentially deceiving. But you have since heard his voice many, many times in person, and you're still going to try to excuse yourself by calling it "feminine"? Kenniston, introspect please......"
Im not going to excuse myself, other than say I have a stubborn imagination. I played turncoat off at the time as just being a goth chick that smoked too much : b
"Has your brain?"
Back then, that'd definitely be the word for it.
"I doubt it very much. And no, it's not proof at all. These requests of assumptiveness on our part, might be more reasonable from a man who doesn't bring up the size of his dick unprovoked, doesn't think that hanging out with other men is "too gay" without a woman present, and isn't afraid to eat white sauce. : P"
You caught me, im totally gay for tc~
"Actually, Turncoat brought it up. The only thing you brought up was Chinese food. XD"
TC had two reasonings behind why I may have asked that as he put to sugar: "I think he before then either was curious, doubted me and was requesting proof, or that incarnation of Syst back then wanted to appear edgy."
I on my own provided the unhinted at and unexpected explanation. And im so glad i did it