mommy, why was daddy trying to shove worming tablets up my ass?
I thought Spatial Mind was also Asperger's.
What he and I have in common is spiritual vision of the future taking root in the present.
When we talk about this it comes across as narcissistic. Even this "Messiah Complex" which isn't about me or him or shouldn't be. if people do not believe visions of God or Christ are real they will think that person is pushing their own agenda and blame that.
In his case I think it is due to Asperperger's and not being able to read/communicate social or verbal cues easily especially online. We keep misreading each other's messages because of this. I am an empath and read mixed signals all at once from other people.
I'm on here trying to learn to edit more briefly and unapologetically. I am too empathetic to a fault. Need to "care less" about other people's feelings so I don't overexplain to make sure i don't offend anyone by miscommunicating what I mean.
My dear,
Do not be afraid to 'offend', when you know the truth is on your side. If they misunderstand, they should be bound to pursue the meaning behind your messages through their own volition if they care about the truth at all.
This is a perspective of someone, who has spend all of his life seeing the truth and not being afraid of it, or the consequences stemming from it, yet strives to better himself through understanding his emotional side, which he always had trouble developing and understanding.
Good luck.
Thank you all for including me with my Bipolar. :)
But, I also have this. I am a control freak! I don't fit every symptom.
Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), also called anankastic personality disorder, is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency. In contrast to people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), behaviors are rational and desirable to people with OCPD.
OCPD is a chronic non-adaptive pattern of extreme perfectionism, preoccupation with neatness and detail, and a need for control or power over one's environment that causes major suffering and stress, especially in areas of personal relationships. Persons with OCPD are usually inflexible and controlling. They may find it hard to relax, and must plan out their activities down to the minute.[1] OCPD occurs in about 1% of the general population. It is seen in 3–10% of psychiatric outpatients. The disorder most often occurs in men.[2]
I do not have any social anxiety. I am extraverted.
When I was younger, I thought I was BPD. I have never been diagnosed. My second therapist is also a Psychiatrist and immediately saw the bipolar. It has been much worse the last 5 or 6 years. I am SLOWLY stabilizing a bit with my meds.
It is common to be diagnosed as only depression at first. I never used to see my therapist when I was hypomanic and happy.