Holy fuck. You're like the hypochondriacs of mental illness. Wish for it hard enough and soon it will be yours.
Did you have any hallucinations or any interesting deteriorations you remember? If I had gone beyond what I did, I think I would have started. However, the worst it got was a strange tunnel vision that intermittently stole my concentration, almost sleeping with my eyes open, snapping back to consciousness a moment later as though from a startling dream.
I remember having an obsessive need to move forward. No hallucinations though (the only hallucinations I ever experienced were due to the intake of psychoactive substances).
The tunnel vision is what I get interchangeably with over awareness of my environment, when I'm sober.
My regular sleep is with my eyes 'open'.
I don't remember ever having any dreams that weren't lucid (I either pass out due to influence of some substance, or are experiencing sleep in the previously described way).
My psychiatrist told me I had an episode of depression, which is rather interesting and perhaps correct, as I felt rather exalted and disembodied at the time.