Did you ever stretch your ears? How big, if so?
I think getting them done at the mall is the best option. Way cheaper and then you just use increased sized gaged jewelry. That's how I've been doing it at least. Started out with metal, but I've gotten to the point where acrylic is just so much cheaper. Some people get them stretched when they get pierced, or so I've heard. That just sounds like a (literally) bloody mess to me.
Do you have a labret or snakebite or some other sort of lip piercing?
SINCE EVERYONE IS TYPING THE alternate/broad MODS and not what the subject was really about(ridiculous horns and giant lip rings and tribal stuff )!! I SHALL JOIN IN!!
I HAVE HAD PLASTIC SURGERYs FOR MY LIP/nose area not the big expensive kind that makes it perfect just the kind for normal peoples to fix defects to look average
Body modification (or body alteration, called body mutilation by detractors) is the deliberate altering of the human anatomy or phenotype.[1] It is often done for aesthetics, sexual enhancement, rites of passage, religious beliefs, to display group membership or affiliation, to create body art, for shock value, and as self-expression, among other reasons.[1][2] In its most broad definition it includes plastic surgery, socially acceptable decoration (e.g., common ear piercing in many societies), and religious rites of passage (e.g., circumcision in a number of cultures), as well as the modern primitive movement.