Well, I don't want to be like them, but it would be nice to understand their emotions better, then you could really have fun, and always get what you want.
My family; To give you a picture ( I am mixed, but their all white,and my son is half Russian, btw. I know in the city there are a lot of stereotype segregation, ghetto or not menatalities. bla bla bla, but I'm from the an area where most people would consider country,hick mixed with hippies and yuppies, Oregon! lol
but....I think my family will never look at me the same again, they keep saying ASP a good thing, it protected me from the mental and emotional abuse from my step-dad. but still.. I want to come across as normal as I can, and it seems like I crack, eventually. I Just want to finish college and have a good career that will last... but know I'm not so sure
Is anyone here Diagnosed with a PD that's holding you down? or work to your benefit?
I don't know alot of information about PD's, I would like to hear your stories and how you have decided to deal or not deal with it