So if you got sick and started dying, what then?
Yes you should value your life and health since that is your responsibility.
The flaw in logic is not respecting other ppl's right to value their life and health the same way.
It's one thing not to feel this emotionally if you're not designed to feel
But the logic remains, and is not overridden just because you dont feel emotions about it.
by emilynghiemThe flaw in logic is not respecting other ppl's right to value their life and health the same way.
The fact that I was born into this world doesn't mean I'm obligated to care about the other people living in it.
1. Right, not to care emotionally, no. But it is common sense to care that nobody dumps toxic poisons in the water system, changes Laws to push religious agenda, or even change forum formats without your consent so you understand and agree it solves problems you hate
Of course you care about things that affect you. We all affect each other indirectly or directly. Jut because you dont know orvdont carevdoesnt mean it isnt happening. You just happen to use your logic and reason in plce of using emotion, but its there.
2. Example of karma: if you dont fear ppl are trying to control you or the forum, you can better work with others so you have equal control and input as other members. If you are fearful, you waste time fighting when you could be enjoying things more without fighting over nonissues. So you "get what you give." You either enjoy your freedom, or you lose it to your own fears. Thats karma, cause and effect. Live and let live. Or trap your mind in a box by walls of fear coming from you.
by Dave Chappelle2. Example of karma: if you dont fear ppl are trying to control you or the forum, you can better work with others so you have equal control and input as other members. If you are fearful, you waste time fighting when you could be enjoying things more without fighting over nonissues. So you "get what you give." You either enjoy your freedom, or you lose it to your own fears. Thats karma, cause and effect. Live and let live. Or trap your mind in a box by walls of fear coming from you.
I pointed out the stupidity of having sections here because of the rules that will eventually be enforced and you assume it's fear.
Some of your ideas that involve control over this forum and it's members suck, pure and simple. And in time, that will be proven.