Yes, lol, that's quite likely.
by Thrill KillWhile there was a time that I truly believed in the Devil. These days I'm inclined to think that believing in the Devil is about as foolish as believing in God. If either entity truly exists, then I would like to know what purpose they genuinely serve.
I can see how the Devil would take pleasure in causing harm, but what purpose does God serve if he will not even protect his own?
I could walk outside my door with a knife now and slash someone's throat. Will God stop me? No. Will he protect the person I kill? No.
So, what is the point of even believing in a God that allows cruelty and murder and does nothing to stop it?
good point about god/devil being equally idiotic to separate...but i disagree with you about being able to kill so easily..opens up a whole free will argument (can you really kill right now)...question becimes will you (you most likely will not)...therefore you lack free will and are guided by something spiritual
The ONLY reason I wouldn't walk out my door and kill someone right now is because there would be witnesses. There is nothing spiritual stopping me. There's only the increased risk of capture. God and the Devil have nothing to do with that, and that is my whole point. They will never have anything to do with it, because they don't do jack shit.
by Thrill KillYeah, it's called witnesses and getting caught due to increased risk. Which part of that did you not get?
its not that simple thrill..its much deeper than simply blame one lone witness for keeping you in check your entire life...and what is getting caught? So, authorities keep you from acting how you wish? You ever notice the people less calculated who "go off" usually end their life...the strings are cut from that motherfucker before he/she acts...i find it interesting how fast these people fail after doing what they wished for so so long...