I mostly agree, but what's wrong with being an overly emotional individual? And what if we are a more erratic sex? Who says that it's a bad thing? Why is this looked down upon? This is a very male dominated view, in my opinion, I don't buy it. Each sex has its strengths and weaknesses, being emotional or not comes with a package (somewhat) and I feel 0 need to apologize or be ashamed of it, as a female. Just because someone is less emotional doesn't make him/her any better or worse in my opinion, it just is what it is. I draw the line when those emotions are used as a tool for manipulation though, that's a different story.
I feel about emotions the way I feel about religion: practice it, explore it, express it freely, but don't try to make it a law, and do not oppress or suffocate others with it. Keep it secular! ;)
Women are their own worst enemy sometimes, but not for not complying with men's standards of how we should be! We have our own standards that they don't comply with either, so? I refuse to think that we're "lower" because we don't share certain traits, have different affinities, or function in a different manner, that is pure machismo in my opinion. I have been criticized for not being a female-like enough, or for being "such a female", depending on some man's convenience at that moment, it happens all the time. I think it's bullshit. I don't think that men should set the standard for women, nor should we set one for them, it's a "cultural" difference that should be respeced.
I'm all for decency and equality, feelings are individual rights that should be respected, but shouldn't enter legal discourse. Keep it civilized and fair.