I'm currently reading M.E.'s book, and shes stated a couple of times already that Sociopaths are immune to depression and negative emotions.
By negative emotions I assume she's just referring to guilt, shame and remorse, but just in case she isn't...
I don't feel guilty after doing something wrong, nor do I feel shame for taking advantage of someone, but I do feel sad a lot of the time, and get depressed a lot.
I'm a loner. I don't get lonely. This seems quite contrary to the idea that humans are a social race. I feel depressed because a lot of the time I just can't understand myself. I feel a sense of unfulfillment.
I've tried socialising and trying to make friends in the hopes that it would erase the hollow, negative feelings I get a lot of the time, but no matter if I have no one with me or a lot of people specifically paying attention to me, whether it be positive or negative, I'll still feel the same.
Most humans will feel bad for being alone, and feel happier and fulfilled with people around them. The number of people around me doesn't and never has effected my mood.
Anyone else the same?