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Posts: 2473

 Disturbing, as in very bad!

Posts: 1953

 I can see it sucking then.

Posts: 3110
Theory it analogy oclock already? ;-)

Posts: 3722

 i love it. even you don't think you're trustworthy..right now, as i read your post, don't find you trustworthy.

i think you're describing it pretty well nonetheless. it's when i become the observer that i am no longer fully in control and perhaps dangerous, and someone who maybe doesn't know all the facts and doesn't have as much empathy as i usually do, is dealing with it.

Posts: 1953

 Nope.  It's time to get ready for work.  Later everyone.

Posts: 3110


Posts: 3110

 On some things I am trustworthy to a fault.

On others ...hmmm...not so much.

Pertinent to point out though, Ive never unintentionally injured someone , be it playing or "other".

For me, the "other" is like an ammo dump where all the really GOOD shit is stored.


Posts: 2473

 Seriously? I unintentionally injure people all the time. My closest family members complain about my "callousness" almost every day. I get so tired of hearing it. :p

Posts: 5426

 Completely agree.

Posts: 3722

 hmm..are you still here? i had something for you

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