OK, here is the deal. When you get old (and grumpy) like me, time tends to pass quickly. I know I'm on a fast forward to November and Nanowrimo.
For those not knowing what it is, it is a now international race to write a novel in one month. For us who write, it is usually a blast, because for a month you can eat, drink and breathe the one thing you're doing, And that is hopefully not banging your head against a wall.
The rules state the idea has to be so new you have nothing written already, except notes. I have several started on projects I want to finish. But I'm going by the book.
I feel a little used up on ideas. Many are already tied into stuff that is finished or work in progress (or stagnant work).
If you have any type of plot, any type of scene or detail you think I should put in my novel, please tell. I know I'm asking for trouble now, but I'm quite good at screening through replies.
If I get any....
If it is stuff you're not going to use anyway, in a novel or real life, you can just as well share. :)