by Lycan
Is the 'perp" a professional" person ? in manager, CEO or a high ranking position?
or are they just a low level "user" who uses manipulation and control tactics on everyone around them?.
Also..approx age and any other background info would be useful to get the most appropriate answers.
No, not a high ranking person. Still he works in a kinda sensitive field. So if this gets out he will lose his job and other consequences. I'm also quite sure he wants to maintain his outer good guy image. This is so serious the he will do time in jail if it can be proven or of the wrong people talk.
He is not low level. I have inferred from what I've been told that he controls or "works with" several people around him. These seem to be either people he's manipulating, others like him or former victims of gaslighting. When the latter gets out of line he has used physical violence. Still... The "target" has told me the abuser is not the smoothest liar. He makes mistakes that in a way expose him. If he is confronted by authorities he's still so slick he probably will talk himself out of it.
Age of the "perp" is around 30. Don't want to tell too much here. What I want to know is how the abuser will react if the victim just tells him he/she know what he's up to? They are both being quite civil to each other although the abuser in the few conversations they've had, has been demeaning and questioned the victims mental health and so on. The person himself has had fits of rage etc that the bad guy prolly knows about.
I also want to know if there's a general tactic when approaching a gaslighter? Are there any other ways to defeat him? This is pretty serious so it just can't go on any longer.
More about the perp is that he usually seems very nice, has a polished front and lots of friends etc. The abuse is in kinda an obsessive manner and the one who's exposed actually think talking will accomplish little. In fact the perp has "forbidden" further contact regarding this subject. So what can the "victim" do? A direct confrontation that turns ugly will just land the innocent person in jail or worse.
I've gathered from what I've been told that the perp's motivation seems to be revenge. These things actually hurts the victim physically. This revenge is for some minor thing or imagined wrong. Also maybe to drive the victim insane or from his/her home. This has (which the target) has a hard time understanding, been drawn out for years. It has however escalated rapidly lately which has me worried.