For what it's worth, monkeys are incredibly complex compared to computers. I mean, in terms of just flops, computers are faster, because that's all they gotta do. A monkey has to walk around and shit and eat and have sex and remember things. If you drop a computer 6 feet, it likely will be badly damaged, perhaps irreparably. For it to function again, a foreign entity(preferably asian) would need to repair it. A monkey falling a similar distance, will orient itself in midair to minimize the damage it will take upon landing. Not only will it survive the landing, but it's body is actually capable of repairing itself automatically over time.
Chapo stated: source post
The only logical explanation is that you're God and everyone and everything else is only your delusional imagination.
You do a lot of acid don't you.
blanc stated: source post
Ego is a catalyst for discovery, among many other things. What you are referring to by perception is called bias, and it is accounted for when scientific research is conducted.
Unless you go full philosophical.
"Some propose it was an evolutionary adaptation to increase surface area to volume ratio of brain matter, but recent studies indicate consciousness is the result of a mechanical failure known as buckling (the folding of tissue)."
Brain buckling isn't necessary for consciousness. It allows for greater use of the surface area within a container (such as a skull). This allows for more neurons, and better neural networking. Sulci and gyri are other adaptations that increase cerebral surface area, and make our brains appear rather convoluted.
It could be argued that organisms with very rudimentary nervous systems are not conscious. The same argument could be made concerning organisms with decentralized nervous systems, such as octopuses. But that would be a different discussion.