my eyes are bleeding...can we get this in audio?
It could have to do with REM sleep. Just shooting in the dark here, havent actually researched the subject so I have no idea whether or not REM is possible in this situation. But if it is then it could definitely cause these sorts of hallucinations. I know that similar experiances are quite common amoungst people who are not dying and could make up for the majority of divine visitations, out of body experiances, seeing dead people or demons or angels, and alien abductions. Its all to do with concious sleep paralysis.
Yeah. I have a problem with that theory. How could the random misfiring of dying neurons result in a structured, cohesive experience in which one's senses and feelings are experienced more profoundly and acutely than in life, when the brain was healthy? How can short circuiting grey matter produce sharper memories, brighter colours, and deeper, more complex emotions- to the point that individuals who undergo such an experience return forever changed, endowed with an unshakeable conviction that there is life after death? Would not logic dictate that the opposite be true? Should not a randomly misfiring brain that is shutting down produce equally random, disorganized hallucinations, as opposed to a crescendo of neuronal activity that results in a spiritual state that most people cannot achieve even after years of meditation and cognitive training?
I believe it is the death throws of the brain. The chemical/electrical flashes of last milliseconds of life. What you were or are is what you will experience... If you were down with yourself and comfortable, easy seas through the river of death. If you had issues with yourself and felt as though there was more to be done, then choppy waters lay ahead...
I flatlined once.
I saw nothing. The experience was like watching a DVD with a scratch on it. One moment I was awake and aware. The next moment I was also awake and aware, but there was obviously smthg missing bc the movie scene that was my life had skipped ahead to one that didn't make sense in relation to the one that had just passed. I still don't know how much time slipped away while I was dead.
Paramedics told me my heart had stopped and all the rest.
There was no white light for me. I tried a few different types of spirituality after the incident, but they all seemed so hollow. Like an overpriced box of wishes made out of the same material as the proverbial Emperor's New Clothes ya know? I'd really love to believe that we're more than just wormfood, but I've seen actual evidence to the contrary. My skepticism about some fantastic afterlife grows a little more every year.