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0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies

im having a hard time accepting that I only bought the eye shadow palettes from this collection, and not buying the rest of it. 


but I know the only reason I want those lipsticks is because of the shiny green top on them and I think they would look pretty on my vanity/end up being collectors items. 


and I know I would never use the highlighter palettes although the diamond wet is super pretty (I like being covered in glitter looking like a sparkly fantasy elf so to me its a yes) (some people are bothered by that tho) 


I honestly haven't seen anyone actually swatch or put on the brain freeze palette even if they were sent it in PR so I don't know what's going on with that but it looks super cute and I want it just for the packaging lol 


and then the stupid mirrors and the stupid bags that go with it ugh they're so cute and the freaking track suits... but I know the lime green thing Isi just a trend an it will pass, and I don't *need* them. 


But I'm right on the edge of just folding and getting the rest of the collection. I'm trying so hard to just refrain. I don't need it. I don't need it!! gah lol 


jeffreeeeeee you fucking mad genius. *bites my sweater* I don't needdddd itttt. 


repeat after me, I'm going to save my money for more important things because priorities. 

last edit on 6/26/2019 3:00:13 PM
Posts: 9525
0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies

Pat Magrath is coming out with a foundation and it's going to be bomb so keep an eye out for that 

Posts: 9525
0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies 


if the KOKO collection comes in and the shades don't work for my lips I'm going to get this instead and sell the other ones 


(I'll put the lip bottle up to my lips, not actually take out the applicator and use it so it's sanitarily safe to give to someone else)


nudes are hard for me because my skin tone is weird af 

last edit on 6/29/2019 1:38:38 AM
Posts: 9525
0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies

this is so pretty :3 

lol at the blooper reel at the end when she's talking to her friend on Marco Polo, I watch so much youtube, I can tell by the voice who that is. it's Jen from channel name Jen loves review. Lol. I love her to death. 

important to watch the reviews though 


I linked these people because these are youtubers I actually trust, and they give honest ass reviews. 

last edit on 7/2/2019 3:25:32 PM
Posts: 9525
0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies

I think yellow is really useful as a makeup artist, it's sort of like a secret tool that can be used to create certain effects. 


but I actually don't do the bright yellow eye shadow look unless I was going for a specific sunflower look, which I would only do on occasion. 


so for that reason I won't be picking it up. although I do want to have it in my arsenal for, using for my "artist tricks" with the yellows, and I do really love that non-eyesafe glitter shade- I know that these palettes aren't limited edition so, I can always go and pick it up later if it really calls me. 


but this one just wasn't calling my name personally, it doesn't take priority for me. 


it is super cheap and affordable, with high pay off, and is definitely giving people what they wanted. this is *the yellow look* that you see trending on twitter all the time that everyone dies over and loves. 


and everyone in their mother has been requesting an all yellow palette from makeup brands, especially color pop because monochromatic palettes is now their thing- 


so I do want to applaud color pop for listening to what they people wanted and giving it to them. 

last edit on 7/2/2019 3:31:51 PM
Posts: 9525
0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies

I forgot to mention the Midas palette came out literally at the same time as color pops 

so that’s an option if you want 


i don’t like the Midas one as much. That’s the tea. Sorry!! It’s a good formula i just think the colors aren’t warm yellows they are cool yellows pulling really blue tone green tone... 

it’s beautiful dont get me wrong just not what i would be looking for in a yellow palette, i want warm. 


This is the girl “Nisa” that she is referring to in her video who also semi-reviewed it. I think her opinions are great to listen to because she is brutally honest and really thinks things through before she buys them. 


Which really helps me out and she serves as my voice of reason and logic 


because without it, I would impulsively buy everything. So thank you, anti-hauls. For saving me money. 

last edit on 7/2/2019 11:57:57 PM
Posts: 9525
0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies

They finally got the results back on the microbial report which appears to be negative 

but this isn’t how you scientifically test a product in order to adhere to safety standards and precautions, you should test at the very least a sample of 30% of your products. 

Obviously this isn’t really possible for this girl to single handedly do, and it is the job on the brands part to do so. 

But at least she did go and do what she could and got them tested professionally. 


Also i want her to be my wife 


that is all. 

Posts: 9525
0 votes RE: Makeup Junkies

so I got my Kylie glosses in the mail 


the high glosses 


I really love them don't get me wrong 


but there is so little in the tube... ya'll. this is rediculous 


it doesn't make me like, not like it. the formula, the gloss itself, the packaging, everything about it I love. I die for. 


I even don't want to change the tube because its so freaking cute. 


but there just isn't as much in here as I thought so... 


like it doesn't make me not want it anymore. I still love them and will buy them but 


not everyone has that kind of money to be shelling out on a lip gloss that runs out in one weeks time. 


they're pretty- but not that pretty to be worth that price tag for how much you're getting I don't understand that. 


just fix that issue somehow... and then we're good. 


but yeah be warned, they run out really really quickly so you have to keep buying them. 


the formula is good nothing to complain about at all, the smell isn't anything unique tho which I was hoping for. 


it's ok but, the smell just doesn't scream high end to me it's not particularly delicious or anything which was semi disappointing. it's not bad, but it didn't blow me away. 


the formula however is perfect, no weird mouth webbing, coagulating, no patchiness, beautiful shine, some with high glitter some without. very comfortable to wear, doesn't feel too thick, sticky or gross in anyway. 


it is nice. it is pretty. it is sparkly. the packaging is cute. the smell, 5/10. 


I just wish there was more in the bottle. which wanting more isn't a bad thing from a brand, I really will enjoy these while I have them but when they run out it's going to be a sad day. 

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