Am I too stupid to deserve a reply from you...? I figured you'd find me either too naive or too much of a no-name to get a reply from you. It's not like I didn't expect this, but somehow I still find it disappointing.
It's always easier to put people in nice little boxes, isn't it?
What I wrote I also provided evidence, and if that wasn't enough you can try the experiment yourself.
I understand you appreciate lunacy and idiots and the insane, so you come to me anonymously after knowing my alias for a long time.
The thing is, I never wrote any foolishness here, so I wasn't feeling obligated to entertain you, or try to open your mind, or tell you how I'm liking life. It really wasn't a problem for me to take the easy way.
I'll tell you this though. Dreams come true. Sometimes we don't realize them while other times we find they aren't what we really wanted. The most successful people in the world have a list of fulfilled goals and they are still working on making their dreams come true.
I got what I asked for and what I avoided isn't around or happening. For the past year and a half I've been writing about my 1 cent investment and it bloody well just might happen very soon now, as 0.015 support has just broken and the market is coming down, in my heart its for me. After this I don't want anymore crashes cause I'm tired of buy and sell at low pricing or x24% or less.
I said this is what I want to do, and I'm doing it. It's also boring most of the time, and I don't think it'll make me happy. It's all I really have to talk about most of the time. The time before we laughed when I lost 6k, which is a good sign considering how a decade ago losing that much would've given me an attack.
I don't have a lot of people on my hands but I'm popular with the ones I have, and I'm popular when it comes to extended family.
One of my regrets in life includes being loyal in past relationships cause I'm stuck wondering what if I hooked up with the silky hot Persian with the long shiny hair.
Nothing to boast about at this point in my life, I asked for all of this. The big one is two steps away. The only thing that can change our lives is people, otherwise it really doesn't matter nor would it appeal to dream.
People who don't have much still get what they ask for. Take Trypt for example. He's poor yet he manages to sustain a very expensive habit, while anything beyond that on the most part seems unrealistic to him.
We all want to go somewhere and we usually say it'll happen later but not now. Now is where you're probably content or in a good place to plan things out.