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Quantum Physics and the existence of a soul (+ eternal consciousness)

Posts: 6443

I'm not a scientist but I do believe its very possible that consciousness continues after physical human death, on a quantum level and that upon death you expand into your soul self, your previous lifetime being one of many different incarnations as different beings possibly including other different human lives as well as what we would consider alien lives


I've studied a lot of NDEs and many talk about a different timeless realm that they return to on death, and that everything is happening all at once and eternally because there is no linear time there and they don't have physical bodies there (unless you want to, you basically have more freedom to create and manifest whatever reality you want to be experiencing there vs. the very limited freedom when youre in a human lifetime)


and i believe Nearth Death Experiences and Out-of-body experiences and DMT trips are more than just hallucinations and there is more to reality than the human brain can process or understand (they are technically hallucinations, but so is everything that the human brain processes lol)


soooo ya feel free to disagree, ik most of you are "Materialists" and that mainstream science is very closed minded to the idea of consciousness continuing after death on a quantum level as a soul. it sounds crazy when you are used to only experiencing reality with 5 senses and a human brain


here is the full article:

Life after death: Soul continues on a QUANTUM level – scientists reveal

Scientists have long sought an answer to the age old question ‘is there life after death?’, but now experts are claiming that there is no death of consciousness – just death of the body.

According to some well-respected scientists, quantum mechanics allows consciousness to live on following the body’s eventual demise.

While scientists are still unsure about what exactly consciousness is, the University of Arizona’s Stuart Hameroff and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose believes that it is merely information stored at a quantum level.

The duo say this process is called “Orchestrated Objective Reduction” (Orch-OR) and say it is evidence that protein-based microtubules – a structural component of human cells – carry quantum information – information stored at a sub-atomic level.


Dr Hameroff explains: “Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing; the micro-tubules lose their quantum state.

“The quantum information within the micro-tubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.

“If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the micro-tubules and the patient says, ‘I had a near-death experience.’

“If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”


Researchers from the renowned Max Planck Institute for physics in Munich agree and state that the physical universe that we live in is only our perception and once our physical bodies die, there is an infinite beyond.

Dr Hans-Peter Durr, former head of the Max Planck Institute for Physics, previously said: "What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible.

“The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger.


“Which this world is rooted in. In this way, our lives in this plane of existence are encompassed, surrounded, by the afterworld already.

"The body dies but the spiritual quantum field continues.

“In this way, I am immortal.”

last edit on 11/18/2019 7:00:32 PM
Posts: 6443
1 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

I believe because I want it to be true, not because I have 100% undeniable proof of it. but the more we study quantum science the more evidence that may come to light in the future, backing up this belief that consciousness does continue after death and that we all in fact might have souls

Posts: 3214
0 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

When you find what you're looking for, there will be no way to prove it to anyone else.

Privacy is a part of this physical experience, and like all other things we experience here, it's very profound. 


Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

The mind(consciousness/conscious choice) has been proven to be actively able to change the chemical makeup of the brain. hmmmm. Neuroscientist Wilder Penfield began to discover hints of this decades ago. Applying an electrode to the motor cortext, he could force patients to do several things involuntarily. He could raise arms involuntarily, even vocalize involuntarily, as well as recall memories. but in his studies- he could not involuntarily force patients to act; in other words, he could not stimulate the Will. "There is no place in the cerebral cortex where an electrical stimulation will cause a patient to...decide." - Neuroscientist Wilder Penfield


Penfield concluded there was a causal force missing which could not be explained from brain chemistry alone. He argued the mind was not in the brain chemistry and could not be explained by it. I'm apt to agree, obviously. Thankfully there are neuroscientists to more eloquently state and investigate and explore my beliefs so I don't have to lol because i do not have a very scientific logical mind and prefer abstract thinking

last edit on 11/20/2019 12:20:16 AM
Posts: 2647
0 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

So were you a skinny Jewish guy in another life?   xD

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

"The discovery of these quantum leaps began the beginning of the strange study of quantum mechanics. How could these quantum jumps just suddenly happen, instead of a gradual decline over time like what we would intuitively expect. Later on, quantum jumps were found in more and more places and in more ways. Matter acted far more bizarrely than we expected. Discoveries and equations formulated to explain the bizarre quantum world began to baffle physicists. The universe did not seem to be fundamentally deterministic at the bottom level, but probabilistic.

The mathematics essentially described that particles would exist in a state of "wave function" which is nothing more than a mathematical probability of multiple possible states of where the particle could be, but upon measurement from an observer the wave function would collapse to one position! But that implied outside observers were necessary to collapse a wave function and bring about the physical existence of the fundamental particles that make up reality, which many scientists philosophically could not accept.

How could outside observers be responsible for the actual result and the collapse of the particle, instead of us simply observing nature to see how it behaves on its own? How could the most fundamental particles of nature be dependent on our observations instead of just acting independently?"

Posts: 6443
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basically, all Materialist scientists are retards and know nothing about the true nature of reality. *shrugs*

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

"Perhaps the only thing that we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that we are conscious. Some experience of life is happening. But at the same time our most cutting-edge science has no way to even begin explaining why we are conscious or what consciousness is. How is it that some neurons firing in our brain creates this incredible inner experience of the entire universe? This rich, vivid inner movie where love feels like love, pain feels like pain, and a sunset looks like a sunset. Why isn't all this brain activity just happening in the dark with no one here to perceive it?

If consciousness emerges from patterns of electrical activity in your brain and mine, as most materialists would assume, the Sun has vastly more complex patterns of electrical activity than our brains. So why shouldn't that be associated with consciousness? Why shouldn't the Sun have a mind? It's kind of strange to think of the Sun being conscious but this clearly illustrates that even as we get some understanding of how the brain functions, we still don't have even the vaguest idea of how that creates this inner experience of life. and this is what philosophers and scientists call the hard problem of consciousness.

The nature of consciousness is such that most neuroscientists say it's a product of the brain and the brain is an accident of evolution, and consciousness is therefore something wonderful that we enjoy but it's really an accident that appears on planet earth during this period of time. And it is a belief system. There's actually no way of proving that. The more we learn about the physical brain, the more we realize it's not the creator of consciousness. It's very clearly related to consciousness, but again it's important to see that it's more of a reducing valve or a filter.

many honest scientists should admit that consciousness is the greatest mystery of science, and that we don't know exactly how it works. The brain is involved in it in some way but we're not sure how. It could be that the brain generates consciousness the way a generator makes electricity, and if you hold to that paradigm then of course you can't believe in life after death- when the generator's broken; consciousness is gone. But it's equally possible that the relationship, and nothing in neuroscience rules it out, is more like the relationship of the TV signal to the TV set, and in that case when the TV set is broken, of course the TV signal continues."

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Quantum Physics and the...

life seems so random though like why all the autism and genetic deformities in the world and randomness and chaos. and everyone is scared to die like who truly believes while they're dying that they are going to a better place


Idk its so hard for me to ever stick to one side of a belief even though the idea of an afterlife like the one some people experience during NDEs seems so cool and continuation of consciousness. I want it to be true but i dont really believe it not deep down

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