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0 votes RE: why im so fucked up

blanc the reality is the shit you went through is not that traumatic, many many people have been through way worse and are fine and functional. your brain chem/psychological makeup is messed up causing you to be extra sensitive to shit 99% of normal people would have processed successfully and moved past from by now, or at least enough to be able to function

your brain and personality and lack of being normally wired is why you're messed up, not traumatic events from your past. like nothing you talk about is shit that most people are able to get over relatively quickly or with a few months of therapy

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: why im so fucked up

I'm not saying that the pain you feel isn't real, it is, but you're putting the blame on the wrong thing, instead of blaming mildly traumatic experiences for all your issues you should blame your inability to cope and recover from those circumstances the way a neurotypical person would. even people without narcissism or aspd can recover from the stuff you talk about although having those disorders makes it easier. your disorder makes it impossible

Posts: 248
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blanc I love you
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0 votes RE: why im so fucked up

Posts: 248
0 votes RE: why im so fucked up

Is that you blanc?
Posts: 9539
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Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: why im so fucked up

You need a fuzzy chicken nugget in your life

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 1076
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You need Christ.

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: why im so fucked up

Very real.

Posts: 419
0 votes RE: why im so fucked up
Blanc said: 

Blanc, I hope that you can work out whatever you're struggling with.

Having said that, I don't think this forum is the right place for you. There are many alternative outlets on the Internet that will be much more supportive. Try e.g. Psych Central. Or send an e-mail to Dr. Robert.

You're quite young. Focus on your life. Stick to what your therapist tells you (which I am sure is not to write on the sociopath community e-forum where people flame you). Go traveling. Get into real trouble. Feel alive every now and then.

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