you guys like to make jokes about me but
it makes me forget the validity in the things that happened to me and how severe they were, and the impact they can have on a person.
because of the things that have happened in my life were so traumatic and impossible for me to cope with, my brain actually tends to forget them altogether, deleting them from my conscious mind.
this can happen for a period of years, weeks months, or a few days. a few hours.
but sometimes I can reminded by triggers.
Triggers exist everywhere, and if I tried to make a list of them it would never end. Because I've had so *many* things happen to me that were traumatic and my brain didn't quite process properly or readily, it's led me to being triggered in a lot of different ways. Alos because my trauma was pretty much life long.
But some reminders exist in the form of something I can share without having to say anything, and because I don't feel ready to talk about all of it yet, and often, can't- for now this is the main outlet I have for sharing with people, things that I went through or, things that I relate to on some level.. things that shed light for you on the gravity of things I went through and, how much impact that has on a human being- to help people grasp what its like to be in these situations.
and no, this isn't me complaining, my main goal here (the one that you should be concerned with), is to show the psychological and emotional effects of specific types of prolonged trauma.
in my time in psychiatric hospitals, I was only able to relate to the people diagnosed with ptsd. and similarly, in the regular world as well, I'm not able to relate to a lot of people unless they have been through something traumatic themselves oddly enough. so, these videos, the people in these videos, the stories behind them, what they're going through, what they're saying. these, are things that I relate to on a deep level- and I don't feel that connection and relation to other people, in that same way on a regular basis. so it's really refreshing, honestly for me to see. and, relieves some of the tension and isolation you feel regarding just, having ptsd.
The way the main character behaves in this movie after she is rescued is very similar to what I went through as I was climbing out of my own trauma in the years after it had sort of stopped. And the movie portrayed it very realistically, which, shows those closest to her not really understanding, why she's acting the way she's acting or what's going on with her.