invest in water stocks because we also going to run out of clean water
we're expected to run out of fossil fuels by 2050
I wouldn't worry too much about the fuel thing, they are constantly reassessing and changing the datewe will run out. Fresh water however is about to become a large problem. Most fresh water on earth is held in the ice caps. Look at any commercioal water bottle, what are the sources? Glacial runoff or "natural fresh springs" (aka groundwater, also called fossil water because it takes so long for ground water to be safe to drink.) Glaciers melting means that water is mixing with undrinkable ocean water. We should be a lot more concerned with that than with fuel, especially since Coca-cola co. has already made a pattern of depleting natural fossil water sources in the regions it collects water from for soda. In 2000 Coke started collecting water from Plachima India. By 2005 locals forced the closing of the plant as the local watershed fell from 45 meters below the surface, to 150 meters- much futer than was obtainable by any non coca-cola owned wells in the area. Citizens of Plachima now have to walks 3 km to get fresh water each day.
I'm not writing this as a slam agaisnt coca-cola, rather to point out how easily freshwater reserves can be depleted, and once they are gone they don't come back after a few years of good rainfall. Fossilwater takes hundreds of years to filter and collect. With fossil water being used so quickly and not being replenished, the trillions of gallons of frozen water in the ice caps would easily become our main water source.... except now they are turning into sea water.
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams