The corruption will be it's own downfall, as global warming has already passed the point of being reversed. As the global economy inches closely to economic collapse, as the economic system in place can never truly be sustainable nor stable. 

In America, the two parties, Republican and Democrats aren't that different, when you realize both are interested in the expansion of capital. Only one wants to buy you off. Both start wars because the system needs to expand, and it's not even entirely military based expansion, in order for the economy to sustain itself, it must seek the expansion of markets, it must gain cheaper labor, and harness rich resources found within third world countries. 

The American Dollar whether you like it or not, dominants the world, especially since WW2 is what allowed America to expand it's power through the Bretton Woods Agreement. A system that is based on the profit motive cannot feel, nor care for it's people. It can only care for profit. It must expand profit, otherwise it will die. 

Bernie Sanders, or any other liberal bullshit is not the way to solving the issues, Keynesian Economics and Welfarism is only a temporary band aid to the inherent problems of Capitalism. 

People don't want to think about this, they put it off, or they're too ignorant and blind to see. Everyone is to focused on the short term of life, and especially when it comes to their life. The only way to solve this systemic issue, is through every historical example of solving an systemic issue, violence. 

The future of the world is a shitty one, but it's adaptable. If you can't take the pressure, then I would advise you to kill yourself, since statistically it's probably the best option out rather than suffering through hell. 

Personally, I've contemplated it, but only if my plan and then contingency plans fail.