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Inhibition is the Hindrance and downfall of the modern era

Posts: 9478

The psychiatric system is flawed


the medical system is flawed and ruled by insurance companies and funding 


the education system if corrupt, flawed and ruled by government funding and standardized tests 


the government is corrupted by business and foreign policy and doesn't have the country or it's people in its best interest any longer and is running us into a further poverty divide, and further into billions of dollars in debt but meanwhile sucks you of every last dollar and gives you virtually nothing in return 


it's impossible to get ahead in this system and everything costs so much that even when you, you have to maintain that life style and the psychological effects it has on people is so fucking messed up that people end up having heart attacks from the stress of trying to maintain their luxury life styles 


people who are in poverty are dying of health issues or suffering with them going untreated because they are not able to access high quality medical care. hospitals do not take you seriously if you don't have good insurance and will put you on the back burner time and time again. 


everything is corrupted by an imaginary dollar that doesn't even mean anything anymore. 


the only way to get ahead is not to beat them but to join them and the thought of doing so makes me sick. 


the corruption in the world is so disgusting to me that I dream every night of murder and terrifying things. 


we have the ability to improve so many issues but instead are holding ourselves back. transportation. the use of unsustainable fuels. mass industrialism harming the atmosphere the oceans and our environment as a hole including contributing to global warming. in Germany recycling is mandatory, and in some countries they are disposing of waste in eco friendly ways- but America has completely dropped the ball. we're too busy fighting to come together and work together as one world. killing each other and sending home our own people in body bags. the homeless are dying in the street and being swept away by street cleaners, riddled with aids and hepatitis. the heroin epidemic is at an all time high- even though we consider the 70's to be the most blatantly drug riddled generation it's not them, it's ours and we are so asleep we're not even awake to that fact. the education system has failed our country in many areas and left us filled with ignorant people who aren't competent enough to think independly or freely for a long enough period of time in a complex enough manner to realize they are being brain washed, fooled, the wool pulled over their eyes, manipulated, and controlled. 


technology is a hindrance to basic human connection. 


we are wastes of space and just pawns in a disgusting and never ending chess game that is so maddening it would make your head spin if your eyes were truly open to the amount of devastation and depravity that exists in this moraless, faceless, beast of a world. 

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the music industry is riddled with pedophiles. 


women are oppressed by the subconscious mentality created by society at large and the mistakes of men in the past- and it contributes to the entitled rapist culture of men and the disrespect of women- the glass ceiling, and the devaluation and over sexualization, sensualization, objectification of women and their bodies- rather than praising their personalities, pursuits, goals, aspirations, intellectual, artistic and athletic ability. 


history books are falsified and pumped into our brain. education is regurgitation not learning, and it's a very narrow scope. 


the system is a ladder you have to climb but no one is even taught how to survive in it. 


the people who are born wealthy are born lightyears ahead on that ladder. 


racism still exists. 


the death penalty is wrong. 


abortion is sickening, but women have the right to make that choice personally- no one else. it's not your body- it's not your decision. making abortion illegal is just going to result in more dangerous medical procedures being done "at home" resulting in infection and deaths. 


rather than fighting we should be helping fill in the pot holes of our own society and our system, the cracks and crevices where things have fallen apart, and left people in unfortunate circumstances. we should be lifting up our people and providing them with opportunity reminding them of their worth, their value as a person, and what their values are. 


and reaching out to the parts of the world who want our help and need rights, systematic organization, and basic human needs met. on their own terms and done with respect and caution. 


character should be more important than prestige in a job interview. young people should matriculate into a work force through schools rather than being forced to find work on their own and constantly being turned down to lack of experience, over saturation in a field they're interested in, or the positions being filled by fat and happy 50 year olds. 


animal harm in any fashion should be illegal and they should have rights, and should be considered a part of our society just as much as humans. 


mass transit is possible and would reduce co2 emissions. Elon musk already developed the system. he also released several patents in an effort to save the planet. people should be more like Elon musk.


fight the billion dollar corporations. 


fight the bad attitudes and nasty and unhealthy mind sets of our public and our people by leading by example, and educating yourself. 


the concept of two political parties is laughable and is creating the illusion of choice in a system that's been set in stone for quite a long time and ruled by people who are playing you like puppets with news media outlets and social media subliminal advertising and even through scripted tv shows. political agendas are everywhere. 


why aren't cigarettes and alcohol illegal. all it does it harm and kill people. you're better off smoking weed and I do think it should be legal in all states because people who need to use it for medicinal including psychiatric purposes. 


people with disabilities and the elderly are too often forgotten in todays society. 


our society also favors not only young able bodied people without learning disabilities or mental health issues but also prefers people that are extroverted. 

last edit on 5/21/2019 1:00:41 AM
Posts: 33586
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Bitching about it isn't how it gets fixed. 

These things take time, resources, guile and glibness. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 9478
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if I have to live my whole life playing a system for my own benefit, what's the point. if I don't even enjoy that. 


I don't feel entitled to these things but I see room for improvement and I wish to be a part of the change that I want to see in the world. 


the most depraved and needed area in my opinion is foreign healthcare. 

Posts: 9478
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the over prescription of antibiotics is resulting the very real crisis of super bugs, which are bred mainly in hospital operating rooms, and remain on the "sterile" tools used to cut into you. 


people who are getting treatment for issues that aren't their faults- aka, operations, are being exposed to lethal super bugs and dying because, there is no way to sterilize a super bug off of these tools. they have adapted to withstand even the most rigorous of sterilizations and are extremely difficult to fight medicinally, you will be put in ICU and knocked off your feet for weeks at a time, the damage it can do to your organs and brain is permanent- if you live.


why isn't anyone stopping this? 

last edit on 5/21/2019 1:04:07 AM
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Inhibition is the Hindr...

there are hormones in our water. 


there are hormones in our water. 


and fluoride which inhibits creative thought, blocks creative thought processes and prevent free and independent thinking. 


wake up America. 


you are zombies, pigs, waiting for the slaughter. 


stop eating animals. you're consuming toxic waste from the ocean and mercury in fish. mercury builds in the body over time and results in brain damage. hormones from meat and milk products. if they aren't grass-fed, it's even worse for you. 


and fuck trump. it's one thing to favor business in our political decisions- it's another thing to torment innocent immigrant families on account of pure racism and selfishness. promoting hatred, division, and suffering. 

last edit on 5/21/2019 1:07:57 AM
Posts: 33586
1 votes RE: Inhibition is the Hindr...
Blanc said: 

there are hormones in our water. 

there are hormones in our water. 


 Posted Image

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Inhibition is the Hindr...

there is an asteroid the size of Texas (literally) approaching the earth (hurdling, at us, rather) and it has a 50 percent chance of getting caught our gravitational pull, and if it does, hit us it will not only cause tsunamis, volcanic eruption, earth quakes- it will result in a shifting of the earths axis and sent us into an ice age- resulting in mass starvation, power outage, and essentially, freezing to death- and the sun will be blocked out from ash- making it impossible to breath- from lack of clean oxygen. aka, we're all going to die. literally. NASA is making efforts to potentially break up the asteroid into pieces, but this type of landing has not been done before with unmanned technology going at this speed. the robotic explosive devices have to land with perfect precision on an object that is moving extremely fast in the opposite direction of the inertia of the devices of themselves, and the platform that it has to land on is not smooth or ideal for landing. this type of "mission" has never been accomplished or seen in our history and is considered very much so, "doing the impossible" 


bio warfare exists and it is unknown the full extent of what these human engineered viruses would do to humans. 


also our sun is going to explode one day and kill all of us even if that one doesn't get us. 


there are missing nuclear weapons. 


we are running out of tillable soil because we have over tilled it so excessively and it will result in mass starvation 


invest in water stocks because we also going to run out of clean water 


we're expected to run out of fossil fuels by 2050 


it's projected that is mass transit continues at this rate anyway, we will fuck our earth over so much it will not be livable. 


the oceans tidal patterns are being permanently altered by global warming and antarctic ice shelves melting. 


the creation of weather from "weather machines" by our government is causing devastating and catastrophic after effects like hurricanes and drought that kill people. 


the California wild fire was staged. 


9/11 was an inside job. 


don't believe what you read, hear, or see- especially- on the news. on any platform. it's all, propaganda. 


check your sources when reading scientific information and think very critically and rationally bout the claims being made. 


study ethics and logic to strengthen your ability to do so. 

last edit on 5/21/2019 1:17:18 AM
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Inhibition is the Hindr...

amazon (the company) is going to take over. 


majority of society is made of flawed thinking called "cornucopian optimism." and this effectively will be Lethal for us if people do not wake up to this fact and learn to accept the facts and be more realistic. 


mars was the planet we came from. the Bible is the story we wrote to ourselves trying to help ourselves not repeat the same mistakes. 


we attempted to destroy the remains by exploding two nuclear bombs at either end of the planet (mars) and that is why the radiation content is so high there. (where else did it fucking come from you dumb nuts, the fucking dirt?)


cancer came from us genetically altering ourselves to be able to live on a planet that we weren't initially genetically evolved to suit. 


the story of the tower of babble is the explanation of the different genetic races that were developed and Brought over to earth in "Noah's ark" and the explanation of why there are many different languages, and religions, and cultures. 


we are toxic to this earth because we don't belong and don't fit into the food chain logically or evolutionally. we should have died out a long time ago. our genetic design does not promote survival on this earth what so ever. 


there is a missing protein required to create human life that is not present on this earth. where do you think it came from? mars. 


there are links missing in the evolutionary chain. I think this is because some animals aren't from this planet, and we are incorporating them into a puzzle they don't fit into naturally. 


there are astronauts carved into ancient carvings dating back to thousands of years ago. 


unexplainable technological advancements including an increased "jump" in understanding of mathematical equations, engineering, astrology, physics, astrophysics, chemistry, etc. 


there are structures, caves, made from materials that are completely heat and fire resistant and we believe were landing pads for space craft. we do not know where these materials were obtained, or how it was possible these civilizations even managed to obtain them. 


there are artifacts from Egypt, model air planes. space craft blue prints. 


the indication of communication with "unearthly beings" aka (ourselves from mars) is seen throughout history, all across the globe. everywhere. but the most blatant example I've seen was the astronaut carved into the side of a fucking mountain.


it's very blatantly an astronaut. 


scientists haven't been able to locate any physical proof or geological proof that indicate Noah's ark or Noah's flood was a real story that actually happened on this planet. 


this is because the entire bible is metaphorical. 


the garden of eden is referring to mars. some believe it's a reference to Pangea, or a place located somewhere in the Middle East for some reason. 


but I don't. it's very clearly a metaphorical story. 


in the Hebrew language (the language was written in) numbers are symbolic representative figures of meaningful phrases, understandings, concepts. they aren't actually numbers. so why would the stories be actually stories? it was their way of communicating deep and complex meaningful things, in what we consider an abstract way- but at the time, was normal. 

last edit on 5/21/2019 1:33:19 AM
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Inhibition is the Hindr...

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and look what's wrapping around him. it's a snake- just like in the garden of eden.

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