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The ultimate betrayal of Rojava

Posts: 1127

I've been watching this and I'm so confused... the Kurds were the only ones strong enough to defeat ISIS and now the Americans are just walking away and leaving them to die? Why?? Just cause Erdogan called trump and asked him to? Why weren't the allies given more time? 

Turkey just invaded Rojava. Rojava was peaceful and now millions will die and all the ISIS prisoners will escape and rebuild ISIS. What was the point to fight ISIS just to let them go? 

The Peshmerga have been left to die. They can't fight Turkey. And now even more people in the middle east will hate the west. This is such a dirty move. 

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I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

who gives a shit

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 833
0 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

like the fucker mccain, the kurds shall perish too.

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Posts: 833
0 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

imagine trusting america to be your saviors XDDDDDDDDDD

Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

The turds have served their purpose, which is to remove ISIS, which got out of America's control and became a threat to it's power. Giving me flashbacks with Taliban.

It's more profitable for Trump to side with Erdogan than to side with the turds now, so the turds were left to get gangraped and sarin gas'd by Assad.

Which is a shame because I remember that Assad was good to turds. They had more autonomy than turds in Turkey. You couldn't even speak kurdish in public without getting arrested in the 2000s.

The turds need to understand that borders are drawn by blood, not by agreements. We had to fight off a few countries at the same time in Turkish war of independence just to keep our small portion of the ottoman empire.

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

Turkey has to do this.  

The PKK and its affiliates have been at war with Turkey since 1978. 

The PKK and its affiliates are a threat to Turkey geostrategically because the territory they've gained during their campaign in Syria cuts Turkey off from Iraq and Syria, plus there are insurgencies all throughout the Eastern part of Turkey. With this new gained territory Turkeys regional Hegemony has been called into question which is unacceptable because it must check Russia, Israel, and Iran. 

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Furthermore, given the momentum, publicity, and experience the Kurds have gained the last few years makes them a threat to the Turkish State itself.  Do you know what the Kurds demand? They demand a separate state from Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. With the Kurds newly established territory and hegemony they now have the capacity to act like they are a state even if not recognized. The danger this poses to Turkey cannot be understated. 

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This is the opposite of betrayal. 

Turkey is a NATO member and safeguards the region - at the end of 2016 Turkey secured its border and took in the most refugees of any country - . Turkey also houses U.S. nuclear systems under the direction of NATO policy

A betrayal would be funding, arming, and supporting a rebel group against a NATO member whom you actually formerly have an alliance with. I recall everyone freaking out because Trump wanted NATO members to pay more per GDP and how such rhetoric is dangerous. 

In this case, standing with the Kurds threatens further regional stability, NATO, and the world. 

No offence but the Kurds are not worth it especially given we owe them nothing and never formerly established a relationship on paper. 

As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. 

KPP was an enemy of ISIL hence they were our friend.

last edit on 10/9/2019 3:57:26 PM
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

“The United States Government has pressed France, Germany, and other European nations, from which many captured ISIS fighters came, to take them back, but they did not want them and refused. The United States will not hold them for what could be many years and great cost to the United States taxpayer,” it said. “Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years.”

"Trump echoed a threat he made Monday to "destroy" Turkey's economy if it tries to wipe out the Kurds. He also defended Turkey, calling it "a NATO and Trading partner" with whom the United States has a "very good" relationship."

"Trump noted that he campaigned for the presidency on a pledge to end wars in places such as Syria. The White House stressed the decision was not a "withdrawal" of U.S. forces but a reassignment of a limited number of soldiers from northern Syria to other parts of the beleaguered country. "



its pretty simple.

USA first, time for other countries to step up and spend their tax money. if you want help, ask, else, see ya.

this does suck for the Kurds, maybe Sweden can provide a new home for them.


lets let this play out and see what happens. who will allow the genocide to occur, hmmm?




Posts: 1127
1 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

The turds have served their purpose, which is to remove ISIS, which got out of America's control and became a threat to it's power. Giving me flashbacks with Taliban.

It's more profitable for Trump to side with Erdogan than to side with the turds now, so the turds were left to get gangraped and sarin gas'd by Assad.

Which is a shame because I remember that Assad was good to turds. They had more autonomy than turds in Turkey. You couldn't even speak kurdish in public without getting arrested in the 2000s.

The turds need to understand that borders are drawn by blood, not by agreements. We had to fight off a few countries at the same time in Turkish war of independence just to keep our small portion of the ottoman empire.

That's the point tho. ISIS is not entirely defeated and this invasion could result in their resurgence. It's a dumb gamble right now that could undo everything. Like don't quit just before you're done.    

The borders of Rojava have been drawn in blood - ISIS blood! Ya, Erdogan hates the PPK and doesn't want Rojava legitimized but it's not his territory. The Kurds said they would help will resettle the Syrian refugees. All of this is so retarded and will lead to nothing but more war.   

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

The turds have served their purpose, which is to remove ISIS, which got out of America's control and became a threat to it's power. Giving me flashbacks with Taliban.

It's more profitable for Trump to side with Erdogan than to side with the turds now, so the turds were left to get gangraped and sarin gas'd by Assad.

Which is a shame because I remember that Assad was good to turds. They had more autonomy than turds in Turkey. You couldn't even speak kurdish in public without getting arrested in the 2000s.

The turds need to understand that borders are drawn by blood, not by agreements. We had to fight off a few countries at the same time in Turkish war of independence just to keep our small portion of the ottoman empire.

That's the point tho. ISIS is not entirely defeated and this invasion could result in their resurgence. It's a dumb gamble right now that could undo everything. Like don't quit just before you're done.    

The borders of Rojava have been drawn in blood - ISIS blood! Ya, Erdogan hates the PPK and doesn't want Rojava legitimized but it's not his territory. The Kurds said they would help will resettle the Syrian refugees. All of this is so retarded and will lead to nothing but more war.   

 Totally incorrect, the majority of ISIL territory has been taken back by Syrian Government forces. As long as Turkey doesn't clash with Syria ISIL will continue to be suffocated in the South. The planned invasion, which has been talked about for months btw, is directed to seize 20 miles of land in the North, land controlled exclusively by the Kurds and where ISIL has been completely wiped out. 

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Posts: 1127
1 votes RE: The ultimate betrayal o...

Turkey never secured peace in the region. NATO members like Canada and the US wouldn't have been working with the Kurds all this time to defeat ISIS if Turkey had control of the situation (and there wouldn't be such a huge migrant crisis). The Kurds have been the strongest allies fighting ISIS. 

And NATO is not united on this. Macron has been meeting with the SDF to confirm France's support - even up to yesterday. He also invited SDF leaders to the last summit. Canada has said they won't let their ally fall (lets see if this is true).  

Even some of the biggest GOP butt-kissers like Linsdey Graham are against the US pulling out.

The only ones who will benefit are putin, erdogan and assad. It's really bizarre. 

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I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
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