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0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

why does your face look like its obese tho unless you're photoshopping your recent body pics or whatever tools instagrammers use to do that

 I'm not photoshopping my pics 


And face weight is the last to change, but I believe it's because I stopped the Lina Clotide Linzess. That's how my face got really dramatically contoured last time. 


Also when I was on the "croissant" diet (lol) my jaw line was perfectly snatched. Like I had "kybella" injections under the chin, snatched jawline- no double chin nothing, not even when I looked down. So that's great if you want to save money and not get kybella injections. 


There are other laxatives you can take that are natural, or over the counter. Miralax is a common one. 


But I can't recommend you use these everyday, as Lina Clotide is the only one meant for daily use without causing anything negative. 

last edit on 6/12/2019 5:12:13 AM
Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

im masturbating to your skinny pics keep typing

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

im masturbating to your mildly overweight pics too keep typing lol

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