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Blanc is fat

Posts: 6443

Its not like im the only fat girl on sc im just slightly more fat temporarily lol:p


why do I get so much hate Im like way nicer than her :D

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

I bet sheee doesnt have hot alpha guys all over her

Posts: 3222
1 votes RE: Blanc is fat

I bet sheee doesnt have hot alpha guys all over her

 Well. You were drooling on Trypt for 69% of your SC career, and she got him.

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

I bet sheee doesnt have hot alpha guys all over her

 Well. You were drooling on Trypt for 69% of your SC career, and she got him.

 trolling is not the same as being attracted to. i'm not and never ever have been into betas. I've always been attracted to tall mascular alpha types. those are the types I have had sex with the most and am still attracted to to this day:) I don't troll them, im genuinely attracted to them

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

sorry to you loser betas who think that I have ever had feelings for them. I'm only into alphas. and no matter how much you try to argue its very clear that I have no feelings for guys I refer to as ugly beta losers. I wouldn't call guys I'm attracted to that lol. blanc the fake lesbian can have all the bottom of the barrel betas. go right ahead sweetheart :p

last edit on 5/3/2019 1:24:25 AM
Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

its funny cuz I'm pretty sure it was.............."colin" who I was into tho wasn't it spatial? I wonder who he likes these days? I wonder who he's into. he's very mysterious that colin:p but u don't see me pining over him anymore do you. maybe I moved on or maybe he likes me. who knows:p

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

or maybe I was just trolling him too, maybe we both troll each other. I don't really know. but what I do know is I don't call the hot alpha guys I have been and always will be attracted to losers, or betas, or things they aren't:)

last edit on 5/3/2019 1:22:14 AM
Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

Spatial ik you're old and you dont understand my personality and everything but do you know how bored I would be without hot guys to flirt with do you really think I could maintain relationships with these guys if I was constantly calling them names and acting immature like i do to the losers on here and on SC in general? hint I fucking dont lol. I'm nice to guys I genuinely am attracted to. get it through your head I use sc for TROLLING how many times do I have to say it like its fun and everything but i'm sick of clingy losers trying to force what they perceived my feelings were to be a reality when it just fuckiiiiing isnt XD its so sad

last edit on 5/3/2019 12:57:56 AM
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

its funny cuz I'm pretty sure it was.............."colin" who I was into tho wasn't it spatial? I wonder who he likes these days? I wonder who he's into. he's very mysterious that colin:p but u don't see me pining over him anymore do you. maybe I moved on or maybe he likes me. who knows:p

 The Colin thing was obviously a never ending shit test, cause you always made sure Trypt would see everything you did with his friend, Colin.

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

Spatial ik you're old and you dont understand my personality and everything but do you know how bored I would be without hot guys to flirt with do you really think I could maintain relationships with these guys if I was constantly calling them names and acting immature like i do to the losers on here and on SC in general?

That's a loaded question Turq, as you might have difficulty maintaining relationships in general. I think you and Slay would have a ball taking jabs at one another when you're not having hot sex.


hint I fucking dont lol. I'm nice to guys I genuinely am attracted to. get it through your head I use sc for TROLLING how many times do I have to say it like its fun and everything but i'm sick of clingy losers trying to force what they perceived my feelings were to be a reality when it just fuckiiiiing isnt XD its so sad

 Well you're unpredictable even to yourself to say the least. We thought you were Faethers in all seriousness and you were serious, then you went back to fun and wicked.

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