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-1 votes RE: Blanc is fat


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1 votes RE: Blanc is fat

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The base line you had for me

last edit on 6/12/2019 3:57:18 AM
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

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~2 months ago 

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~1 week ago

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

i upvoted her skinny pics from 5+ years ago lol

Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

 All I ate was coffee and a croissant every morning and the weight just fell off. I only worked out once a week tops. This diet qualifies as fasting, but it also qualifies for keto. 

This is what took me from normal to underweight in ~3 months. 


Another method I’ve used in the past was taking a prescribed drug called Linaclotide Linzess.


All you have to do is go to your doctor and complain of serious irregularity problems, and want a medication to help with that. IBS is easy to fake because there are no tests or way to prove someone has it. This medication is not your traditional over the counter laxative, that anorexics are known for abusing- resulting in death, from heart attacks. This medication will not result in heart attacks because it is designed for daily use- and it is natural. So it is not speed, not addictive or habit forming, there is no withdrawal from ceasing taking it- it’s not “fentramine” (common weightloss drug). While taking it I experienced no side effects, and I ate whatever I wanted.

Produced dramatic results in ~3 months. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - 

If you want to look like I did, here's how I did it. 

last edit on 6/12/2019 4:48:33 AM
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat 

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

why does your face look like its obese tho unless you're photoshopping your recent body pics or whatever tools instagrammers use to do that

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

your face always looks chubby and I would say to people who say dont body shame ummm the point of that would to be to stop acting like being fat is a bad/shameful thing instead of pretending fat isnt fat

last edit on 6/12/2019 4:58:01 AM
Posts: 62
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat
Blanc said: 

 All I ate was coffee and a croissant every morning and the weight just fell off. I only worked out once a week tops. This diet qualifies as fasting, but it also qualifies for keto. 

Burning more than you eat? Ridiculous crazy talk.

Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: Blanc is fat

If you do this, plus exercise everyday once when you wake up, once when you go to sleep. 


Take "pre-workout" before you do so- without eating. To give you energy. Green smoothies. Lots of greens. 


If you have a dog, walk the fuck out of that dog everyday. Walk a lot. Bike a lot. 


I prefer swimming so that way I don't get sweaty. But if you don't have a pool, floor exercises you can find on an app, and then biking a lot are great. 


Drink a ton of water. A bottle in the morning a bottle at night at the least. 


And then when you do eat, just eat really light and organic. Craving sweets, eat an orange, drink a cup of tea. Eat chocolate covered almonds if you *must* have chocolate. 


I stay away from dairy because it breaks me out, so dark chocolate covered almonds are best. Not milk chocolate. 


Smoothies are your best friend. (Make them on your own, the smoothie stores add lots of sugar and preservatives, fatty peanut butter, milk). I make mine with organic strawberry blueberry spinach banana and then organic peanut butter, and pea-milk. 


You'll be surprised the results you'd have if all you did was drink smoothies for 3 weeks. Even just after 1 week you'll be really surprised. And then when I *absolutely* had to eat, I would just eat a few saltines or a cup or two of jello and believe it or not it's really filling. 


Another good technique is to eat your most nutritional meal in the morning, and then nothing else the rest of the day. I would eat a few boiled eggs in the morning and a cup of coffee. Models have attested to this diet. When you get bored of that, I like to do gluten free oatmeal. 


Gluten is actually a "bloating" element so you want to stay away from that. Salt causes inflammation so that's a no-no. Sugar just leads too fat. And carbs really aren't ideal. 


When you're craving chips, eat edamame or just any crispy green vegetable. Zucchini chips are fun and really easy to make. Just throw them in the oven, chopped up obviously. Some people make their veggies in an air fryer now which seems to be all the rage. 


When I was working out, I focused on primarily cardio building and swimming because it works every muscle in your body all at once, I feel it's most effective- without having to get all hot and sweaty. I made it my goal to just swim 30 laps. Started with 10, then 13, then 15. Etc. You work your way up really fast. 


I had to be able to swim 300 yards (3 football fields) which is 30 laps in the swimming pool I had access to, 


When I took working out my most serious I would do pulls ups, and toss the medicine balls around, do all sorts of weight lifting exercises and then crunches, push ups, planks, and power pulls or whatever the machine is that looks like you're rowing. I spent most my time on the stair stepper and the bikes. 


I recommend going for a walk every morning and evening on top of your exercise routine- or bike once a day. 


You'll be really surprised with your results. 


- - - - - 


If you are struggling with energy I highly recommend investing in supplements. Nutritional supplements. (Not vitamins). 


I got mine prescription from a doctor, from a company called "Body Logic" and she figured out exactly what my body needed and gave me what will *work* not just any regular over the counter- but something that has been "catalyzed" so that my body can absorb it better. 


And then we do follow up blood work, and she tinkers with the list of prescriptions and the prescribed diet and nutrition to make me healthiest. 


These supplements and diet changes made a difference night and day in how I feel. 


You can find over the counter (non-catalyzed) versions, at various supplements stores, and the more common ones at your local grocery story. 


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Also, people seem to think rice is healthy but it's not, not even brown or black rice. Eat Quinoa instead! 

Avocado is rich in fat... avocado toast is a common instagram snack you see but. Gluten + fat = unhealthy. 

Question the "juices" and "smoothies" or "powdered proteins" you buy, research them heavily. Look for the *right* kind of protein. Look for *sugar free* 

Sugar is your enemy. 


The salt was recommended for me personally but this isn't for everyone- it's just for me because I have low sodium. 


Also be careful about keto, there is a "healthy" carb and then an unhealthy carbs. Keto works with both, but your ultimate health will be better if you do it the healthy way so make sure to research that. 


Also another tip, meal supplement drinks/bars are a good go-to for energy when you're on the go or if you're in sports, I would always eat one before class or whatever it would get me through the day- if I was basically "fasting"

last edit on 6/12/2019 5:25:37 AM
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