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0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...

ahh 16 year old luna... she was so cute and vulnerable. we ruined dat ass

Posts: 23
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...

We are here now. I wish Luna the best.

Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
Cawk said: 

2. Management: Luna/Michael, Ed, Turncoat, Inquirer (later also Tony)

• Getting double edged "passive measures" implemented to "counter CP". This killed SC spirit directly from within. You are fucking mods, act like it and do your jobs without ruining the experience for others. To remind you from the top of my head, for new accounts: No registering through Tor/proxies, not being able to embed images, not being able to chat and having to fill out captcha with every post. This literally killed all anonymity & joy a puppet could have, and made it a pain in the ass that just wasn't worth it. Not to mention, no new person could want to stick around with those limitations, who knows how many potential regulars were lost because of your fuck-ups.

Why am I lumped into this one? The last of many times that I was demodded this stuff wasn't even a factor on her website (EC timeline). 

You were complaining how no "passive measures" existed before they were even added, saying you could be saved a lot of work with them. This was around the time Inquirer became mod for the first time. Then I think you were even still around after the early "passive measures" were implemented such as captcha and Tor registration block.

Imagine Tor/public proxies/VPNs are blocked and there's mods who view/use members' IPs to dox them. XD

• Making Luna paranoid about CP that is posted. Short and sweet, you made her extremely invested into the site to the degree she felt like she had to watch over all, get herself involved, add new features (that all went against SC's core mind you, such as senate or when you could see when somebody was typing), intervene with the physics and be there 24/7, which was a big factor that made her crack in the end.

She went more insane about photos of herself and quotes/critiques about her than CP...

Did you forget that huge span of time where she just smoked weed during the first major CP scare? 

It's not like she saw CP and didn't delete it. If she remained chill like that, the community would still be on her site today.

• Banning CP posters (or members in general). You gain nothing from banning somebody other than PR and/or feeling good for 2 minutes.

It basically just shows the spammers that bans mean nothing. It's an exercise in futility if you make them not want to be there and demonstrate the website's powerlessness at the same time. 

They have to not want to lose their account to be shackled by it, much like when I gave Sinister a banned account of her choice back as a "reward" for not spamming for a week. What makes an account have weight is their level of personal investment in it. 

Bans not only have not much effect but also fuel the banned to continue breaking rules as puppet for sports.

• Ban on sights. Just gonna say: XD

I might have forgotten some, but just with the fuck-ups mentioned, the community started feeling off and joined the bandwagon with "the goons". There was low to no coordination with people who hadn't been banned on SC and "goons", they did all by themselves i.e. speaking up, trolling Luna and so on.

The Xadem Bandwagon was pretty brutal. 

People validated Luna's power trips as part of patching up their own egos by means of intuition bans and what-not such as "Despite not being a threat anymore, let's keep banning 'the goons' for the 'damage' they've caused."

After Luna's power trips came too close to home and started affecting them, they abandoned her. LMAO

Turncoat rooted for "passive measures" but was unwilling to ban on sight (lost his mod spot for it...for his own good considering his obsession with the site)

So are you saying ban on sight is good or bad then? I swear you've insulted both in the same post. 

Banning on sight is absolute idiocy. Banning in general is not suited to be a thing for SC. Banning could perhaps go with SC if registration was invite only.

Even in Luna's mess of locked-down SC, there was at least 1 mod online 24/7. They had 5 people that cleaned up: Michael, Luna, Ed, Inq and Tony.

As you've said, this website is about social politics and you've demonstrated how pointless bans really were. Assuming Luna would do all the same shit, what would you have done in a mod seat?


Posts: 33613
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
Cawk said: 
Cawk said: 

2. Management: Luna/Michael, Ed, Turncoat, Inquirer (later also Tony)

• Getting double edged "passive measures" implemented to "counter CP". This killed SC spirit directly from within. You are fucking mods, act like it and do your jobs without ruining the experience for others. To remind you from the top of my head, for new accounts: No registering through Tor/proxies, not being able to embed images, not being able to chat and having to fill out captcha with every post. This literally killed all anonymity & joy a puppet could have, and made it a pain in the ass that just wasn't worth it. Not to mention, no new person could want to stick around with those limitations, who knows how many potential regulars were lost because of your fuck-ups.

Why am I lumped into this one? The last of many times that I was demodded this stuff wasn't even a factor on her website (EC timeline). 

You were complaining how no "passive measures" existed before they were even added, saying you could be saved a lot of work with them. This was around the time Inquirer became mod for the first time. 

I wanted tools that actually worked, and what I instead had was someone enjoying their time on reddit high as a kite ignoring the problem for months, later choosing to add a second person who also couldn't do anything about it as a distraction, a way to get the fire off of her again. 

Too many times she chose to ignore the problem, then blame her mods for not covering up for her being shitty. 

Then I think you were even still around after the early "passive measures" were implemented such as captcha and Tor registration block.

Captcha came when I was no longer a mod, after EC was dead.

It was a heavy portion of Edvard's bragging/trying to bring me back. 

It's not like she saw CP and didn't delete it. If she remained chill like that, the community would still be on her site today.

TPG put it best: 


TPG: when cp first started flooding luna waited 6 months to do anything
TPG: she was like
TPG: "deal with it"
TPG: and was busy getting high
TPG: was hilarious
TPG: everyone was so butthurt and in a meltdown
TPG: she just didn't care

She'd pick new mods to try to distract people from her own failings, and bide time for her procrastination. 

If you want to get Luna to do anything, it has to be a direct attack against her, otherwise she'll just deflect it and hire distractions. Sometimes it took puppets to fix anything, since she's shown herself more willing to listen to her enemies than her lackeys over and over. 

Even in Luna's mess of locked-down SC, there was at least 1 mod online 24/7. They had 5 people that cleaned up: Michael, Luna, Ed, Inq and Tony.

Their hours were pretty scattered, Ed + Spatial stopped showing up for large portions of it, and "Michael" only ever showed up to resolve PR emergencies. 

Luna and Inquirer were the only two really doing anything that could be constituted as a real mod effort. It didn't take much time to learn their schedules and efforts spent once Luna implemented Mod actions being visible in the Reputation tabs on their accounts, and having "5 mods" also meant more inevitable infighting. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/1/2019 8:26:45 PM
Posts: 749
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
Cawk said: 
Cawk said: 

2. Management: Luna/Michael, Ed, Turncoat, Inquirer (later also Tony)

• Getting double edged "passive measures" implemented to "counter CP". This killed SC spirit directly from within. You are fucking mods, act like it and do your jobs without ruining the experience for others. To remind you from the top of my head, for new accounts: No registering through Tor/proxies, not being able to embed images, not being able to chat and having to fill out captcha with every post. This literally killed all anonymity & joy a puppet could have, and made it a pain in the ass that just wasn't worth it. Not to mention, no new person could want to stick around with those limitations, who knows how many potential regulars were lost because of your fuck-ups.

I am amazed how you don't see why keeping out people who were affecting the functionality of the site, who were AIMING to destroy the community, deserved to be kept out.

Your intentions were what bothered me, moreso than the CP itself. CP was a means to an end for you: an attack on SC. You were attacking SC and you wonder why you were treated as scum and pariah. Again, if posting butterflies would have been an attack on SC, I would have treated you the same. If someone comes at you with a knife, even if he misses, you seek to neutralize him.

I am also amazed how you imagine that any of the 5 mods who removed the CP were sweating more than the cp posters, who had to download cp, upload it on another site, make accounts after accounts, each account on a different vpn, get through the pain of captchas and later email registration, only to post a weird link with spaces and dots that no one in their right minds would access anyway...

Also, you have the impression that your status here has improved. You are tolerated here because you are not doing the crap you used to do on SC, simple as that. The moment you start with CP shit, you will be banned. You will be censored. Even the non-illegal images of nude kids you are posting, that you are bitching about for being deleted: you are bitching in vain. You are very retarded for not seeing this. Also, you keep lumping yourself with Jim, who actually has a funny and colorful personality when he is not a shithead, while you only brag about being part of a cp goon squad as if that is an accomplishment that should leave us in awe, or post edgy shit about gore or cop hate.

If you think Meta is better than Luna, you are mistaken. Meta only cares about himself, while Luna cared about the community in her own way. Meta does not care about SC, its values, and never implements them on his other forums/servers. He stayed away from SC for years without even lurking on it. The moment SC will pose the slightest inconvenience for him, he will drop it like a hot potato. And the moment any legal issues will arise here, he will rat anyone to the authorities to save his ass.


Banning on sight is absolute idiocy. Banning in general is not suited to be a thing for SC.

 You mean what Meta is doing with Primal now? You only have mouth for such claims when you are the target, even if you were deserving of this status by trying to ruin the site.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
Their hours were pretty scattered, Ed + Spatial stopped showing up for large portions of it, and "Michael" only ever showed up to resolve PR emergencies. 

Ban logs were publicly viewable for a while. Michael did a lot of bans.

Tony was online midnight-morning times.

Quotation marks, yes. The classic Michael is Luna conspiracy implication?

Luna is too dumb and childish to have Michael as alter-ego. Just going by that, one can tell they're not the same person.


So yeah, they had 5 janitors, of which always at least 1 watched the forum throughout the day. Site with 20 members had 5 mods, funny shit. Clearly they made wrong decisions but didn't wanna go back on their words for ego reasons.

Posts: 33613
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
Edvard said:
Your intentions were what bothered me, moreso than the CP itself. CP was a means to an end for you: an attack on SC.

It was often done to shit on the user base, not on Luna specifically. If they felt mad at "the group" it was an easy way to vent frustrations. 

Again, if posting butterflies would have been an attack on SC, I would have treated you the same. If someone comes at you with a knife, even if he misses, you seek to neutralize him.

No one's going to take you seriously if you're comparing it to both butterfly posting and defending against a knife attack. 

Even the non-illegal images of nude kids you are posting, that you are bitching about for being deleted: you are bitching in vain.

Pretty sure that's not Cawk. 

Also, you keep lumping yourself with Jim, who actually has a funny and colorful personality when he is not a shithead, while you only brag about being part of a cp goon squad as if that is an accomplishment that should leave us in awe, or post edgy shit about gore or cop hate.


If you think Meta is better than Luna, you are mistaken. Meta only cares about himself, while Luna cared about the community in her own way.

They both primarily care about themselves, but one of them is significantly less delusional about it. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 749
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
They both primarily care about themselves, but one of them is significantly less delusional about it.

If you think Meta will keep this site for 6 years, or would have kept it for 6 years if faced with Luna's difficulties, you are the delusional one.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 33613
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
Cawk said: 
Their hours were pretty scattered, Ed + Spatial stopped showing up for large portions of it, and "Michael" only ever showed up to resolve PR emergencies. 

Ban logs were publicly viewable for a while. Michael did a lot of bans.

Only during key times, and Luna showed herself to still be a shitty multitasker. 

Remember when people found out that the two of them used the same computer during SC3? 

Tony was online midnight-morning times.

Until he essentially quit and said Ed could handle it, then neither of them were on. 

Quotation marks, yes. The classic Michael is Luna conspiracy implication?

Luna is too dumb and childish to have Michael as alter-ego. Just going by that, one can tell they're not the same person.

Then why are there claims of Michael pretending to be Luna in a Steam game?

Luna's more capable of making up alter egos than she is having friends, and she already had another fake wingman during her EVE Online dramatics that we uncovered and showed to be fake during SC1. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/1/2019 9:08:48 PM
Posts: 33613
0 votes RE: What killed Luna SC (in...
Edvard said: 
They both primarily care about themselves, but one of them is significantly less delusional about it.

If you think Meta will keep this site for 6 years, or would have kept it for 6 years if faced with Luna's difficulties, you are the delusional one.

You aren't even factoring in what made her keep it that long in the first place. How delusional she is is a BIG part of that

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/1/2019 9:06:47 PM
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