she is ashamed of it and denies it now, but in the past she told us all that she was a recovered crack addict and would tell us all "Don't do drugs!" like she had some sort of superior wise old elder because she was sober now and then more recently got an adderall prescription, which is also an upper
that's a lie, she has admitted to being addicted to crack in the past
Show me the screenshots. I've always said I dont like uppers.
you fucking stupid loser, everyone saw you say you have an adderall script like a couple months back you made threads about it. god you are dumb af
"PalePeach 3/6/2020: So I just discovered this little miracle today. If you live in America, I highly suggest you use it.
I've seen cards advertising it at my old pharmacy, and my Doctor today suggest I download the app because the Adderall coupon makes it cheaper than most health insurance copays, and he was right! Each card or app has a member ID # and you use this as a coupon to get prescription drugs cheaper."
so anyway now that she is caught in yet another lie it is safe to say she simply switched from crack to adderall, which isn't truly recovering because you are just relying on another stimulant substance now. and I am on low dose as one of my medications too, but I'm not claiming to be a recovered addict lmao
If you're lying to your doctor to get a script to sell that is even more pathetic, but I doubt that's true because you act like someone who is on high dose adderall without having adhd/meth. I used to have friends who were tweakers and I know how they act on a daily basis