One might argue the crystals offer a placebo effect, and while one can argue the crystals themselves aren't healing, a placebo effect is known to have real healing results in the medical fields. If the lady feels like the crystals give her power, she'll have that extra wave, or find it in her to summon some courage.
See this was what I was thinking, I may not feel the crystals help her for the same reason she does, but I truly feel for the reasons you explained that it could be good for her and help her and her unborn baby be more comfortable
Who knows? Maybe crystals really can be magical in a way ✨️🔮💎🔹️💠🔷️💎🔸️♦️🔶️💠💎🔮✨️
I wouldn't use the term magic, but if you might be shocked to learn what we use crystals for, which would seem like magic to a less advanced civilization that for some reason believed crystals had magical attributes.
For example our pocket computers, mobile devices, has crystal inside of it. In the processor I believe. It's used to keep the processors clock speed stable.
LCD screen is short for Liquid Crystal Display. It's crystals. The quartz watch actually has a tiny crystal inside of it. I'm pretty sure crystals are used to make lasers, which is basically concentrating light to a point it can cause friction and burn or cut things.
There are other things about crystals, like placing them near electronics WILL reduce radiation. Crystals can be used to make radios, that is, EMP waves.
Breaking a crystal and rubbing the 2 halves together can create plasma. They really do store energy. Some University managed to store data on a crystal, the storage I'm seeing here 360 terabytes of data... That's generational data storage for most families. The crystal containing the data will also withstand over 1,000°C without losing anything, and will keep the data for billions of years.
- The magical stuff. There is a human energy field. It's why we can disrupt radio signals, we see it happen with old radios. The heart generates this field. It is an EMF ( Electromagnetic Field ).
If you see TMS treatment, they use an electromagnetic device to stimulate the brain for mood therapy.
![Posted Image]()
The effects of crystals to augment mood is said to be unproven, but we can see how they really do store energy and they have abilities that make them valuable to technologies that are magical in nature. The sonar/radar, modern cell phone signal itself.
Those BBQ lighters, you see a tiny electrical spark in them. There's a tiny crystal being struck by a pullback hammer, and when struck it generates the spark that ignites the gas.
This is probably too long but we can see the crystals do have interesting properties when it comes to energy storage or energy generation and function across the most important modern day technologies. We're also electronic.
The brain and heart in particular are electronic hardware.
- (((( The Big One ))))) = Our brains, has crystal in it.
So there you go. Noah's sister who had hot and steamy sex and the guy planted his seed in her womb and her belly swole. Yeah she might be onto something with the crystals, there certainly is something about them.