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Posts: 832
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles
kuhne said:  

 The Democrats are ass holes.


- Zelensky personally goes to the US to visit President Elect Trump, and is interested in making peace deal.

- Putin is interested in finding some alternative, AND will only negotiate with Trump about it, as they really don't like Biden Harris, and even moreso.

Then Biden has to send long range missiles to Ukraine which would only escalate tensions and war spending during high inflation land where people either pay rent or eat. 

It's mostly about profiting. War is big business, it's why the machine keeps it going endlessly.




War is the way of those who hate the real deal, if Trump succeeds, the radicals will still follow suit with their programming and attack. 


Posts: 496
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles

As insane as this sounds I think they agreed to providing the missiles with Trump.

last edit on 11/26/2024 5:45:56 PM
Posts: 832
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles
Jada said: 

As insane as this sounds I think they agreed to providing the missiles with Trump.

 Can't seem to find any information in regards to that. 

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I like how those Trump's are seeing what I see. 


Posts: 496
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles

It's more speculation. I'm putting forward a hypothesis.

Trump is known not to disclose his real opinions in public. He's quite smart. When Zelensky was against him on the campaign trail, he shot back at Zelenskyy and made it seem like their relationship was going to be sour. When it came to negotiations, he flipped the switch and they were best buddies again. What Trump says to the public, to campaign, and what he does can be very different.

Despite outside appearances, I think Biden is probably on the same page with Trump because ultimately everyone knows they need to support Trump in ending the war. But I have no proof.

One of the leverages that Trump could've played was these long-range missiles. Trump already chatted with Putin. If there was a deal to be made on the table, I doubt the left would be insane enough to start essentially bombing Russia. I think Biden is playing his leverage and taking the blame. What is being said in the public and what is actually happening, I think, are two different things.

But I have no evidence. I'm just thinking out loud here.

Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles

yeah so they can not get invaded by rapist and murderers, fascist asshole.

the ukr is already invaded by the USA, too late for this

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles

and keep denying that reality because you are sentimental fascist that will justify or ignore atrocity

you should embrace atrocity, any self-respecting nation will do it and do it and have done it, to survive. Since ww2 USA is the leader of such things.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 393
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles

No because atrocity only proves there is a greater dysfunction going on such as Russia being such an authoritarian and unequal place. I guess maybe people these days don't see inequality as a problem because they imagine themselves at the top, but then people wonder why the birthrates are so low and come up with horrific ways to increase it.

Any self respecting civilization will view atrocity as proof of fundamental flaws.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
last edit on 12/3/2024 4:57:14 PM
Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles

No because atrocity only proves there is a greater dysfunction going on such as Russia being such an authoritarian and unequal place. I guess maybe people these days don't see inequality as a problem because they imagine themselves at the top, but then people wonder why the birthrates are so low and come up with horrific ways to increase it.

Any self respecting civilization will view atrocity as proof of fundamental flaws.

Inequality is how things are, things were and will be. Forever.

OK lets give a crash list of atrocities.

  • USA slavery and KKK
  • USA nuclear bomb 1
  • USA nuclear bomb 2
  • Japan Unit 731
  • USA saving the scientists of Japan Unit 731, so their own biological research doesn't go to waste, despite the soviets pressuring them to put them on trial
  • The gulags
  • The holocaust
  • Israel murdering lil kids and blowing up churches in Gaza today
  • Hamas doing the same in Israel today
  • USA helping Israel blow up kids
  • USA forcing the UKR into war with Russia
  • The endless torrent of drones that USA shot during Obama
  • Mao Zedongs murder of 60 million people for the greater good of China
  • Japan authorities during ww2 sending all of their people to suicide attacks and not caring that they are losing at all
  • USA failed attempts to destabilize Syria
  • USA success at destroying Iran, Libia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, the list is too long tbh 
  • Japan rape, kill and burn policy during ww2
  • The crusades
  • Muhammeds rise to power
  • The Mongols conquests
  • The Armenian genocide
  • Radovan Karadžić

This is just on the top of my head. I could go on for a while if I don't stop.

Here is some summary images:

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The world is built on blood, death and atrocities.

Once you see that, you will realize this:

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

Its an image of the past too. And present.



Mmm I have 1000 more things to post in relation to this, but I will abstain for future content.

Cheery bye!
last edit on 12/4/2024 9:53:08 PM
Posts: 4578
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles

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Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Long Range Missiles


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Cheery bye!
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