Learn what ad hom means. I wasn't negating anything. Dismissive? Maybe, but that only proves it wasn't an ad hom refuttal of an point.
it is obv an ad hom, I was just being cheeky to point out it was a bad one
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that's what you keep trying to do by calling me a bourgie, reactionary, capitalist, nazi, fascist. Do you really not see it, or do you really think we don't see it?
Its really sad either way. At least when I do ad hominem, I don't pretend I don't do it. Unless its really well hidden >:)
uhh that's not a way of undermining your argument, it's just comparing your argument to similar schools of thought as you continue to shift goal posts so you can be untouchable.
I'm insulting you because your constant shift of goal posts is irritating as you refuse to be fallible. What argument even is there to be undermined? Point is, the good is bad/bad is good stuff makes no sense and is part of some sort of cyclical logic or other fallacy. What I am saying is that is just reveals common reactionary rhetoric, and no that is not "ad hom" to call you a reactionary petite bourgeois, lol. When your rhetoric is similar to that of naturalist, cycle of life, fascists, then it is not ad hom to call you that as a way of measuring your beliefs, maybe I am committing some fallacy, but as I said, your attempt to be untouchable and then insist that you cannot be compared to any school of thought that clearly was the genesis of your views, is part of my grievance.
Imperfect Priest of Determinism