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0 votes RE: We are Not Bone Robots
cx3 said: 

 okay enjoy the bullshit then pal. meanwhile i get to enjoy not wasting my dna on your type of bullshit.

But yes in fact you do need basic entitlements or else you are going to get an exploited shitty dying society (what we have right now, but people like you wanna blame other shit instead of looking in the mirror). Funny how you wanna talk about "muslims taking over," yet you shit on people like this with your conservative type of logic, acting as if exploiting people is all smart and shit.

Do you have kids? I really hope you do so they can experience the world you wanted.

 This society is dying because liberalism has proved itself to be a failed concept. We live in one of the most liberal societies on the planet and we question why the suicide rate is the highest its ever been since the great depression. You act as though if people were even More Liberal™ it would magically fix everything the current political landscape fucked up royally.
I think it's pretty clear that our enemies are destroying western values from far away places. Just like how Islam has been trying to invade Europe for thousands of years, they failed because western values (Christianity) kept them in check. Now, because European countries are led by liberals without western values, Islam is succeeding what it failed to do for thousands of years.
Islam is simply incompatible with western values.

 yeah of course we had atheism and socialism as dominant forces... oh wait that never happened turns out we had a capitalistic conservative christian society that was vaguely liberal. oopsie daisy.

People in the US today are much less religious than they were 5 years ago.
We are living in a society that is not vaguely liberal, but increasingly liberal and populist.
Article that talks about the suicide of western culture

It's a shame that our institutions are teaching the populous to hate western values. Our values are being replaced with ideologies that cater to people's wants rather than needs, and is inherently suicidal. People can't afford to have children, the nuclear family is being dismantled, the moral foundation of the US is being undermined, sex is now seen as a commodity, substance abuse is more common now than ever, moral relativism is replacing religion, cultural nihilism is eating us alive, third spaces for social contact no longer exist, you can no longer afford a house, you are worse off than your parents and grandparents, the education system is declining, European governments are censoring their citizens and implementing surveillance, cynicism is the default no matter if you're liberal or conservative, we are disconnected from nature, the American dream is dead.
I say we rewind a couple of decades.

visceral normality
Posts: 83
0 votes RE: We are Not Bone Robots

You do realize that conservatives support suburban expansionism and not densely urbanistic or communal third spaces right? 3/10 being non religious is still a minority and doesn't mean they have any significant institutional power. You literally blame atheism and leftism for what conservatives have specifically supported either intentionally or consequentially. You also pretend like we have had strong socialism and atheism and not a very conservative culture that successful took down socialism along the way. Even "liberals" are pretty right leaning capitalists and not really much leftist and socialist.

Btw even immigrants start repeating the low birth rate cycle when governed by an uncaring judgemental society. A foundation of lies cannot last which is why atheism in any conditions is better than religious exploitation. Secularism alone already gave so much to the west but sentimemtal religious people never appreciated that.

sometimes all you can do is feed the victor less
last edit on 10/17/2024 10:56:05 PM
Posts: 83
0 votes RE: We are Not Bone Robots

Also sometimes I vent post so whatever you are responding to originally isn't even really orientated towards anyone or anything at all. I guess I can say that I actually do think socialism is more sensible for a healthy society but at the same time I can understand the way humans can't really get over barbaric ideas (e.g. aggressive neocolonialism and aggressive capitalism with negative theory on what people "don't deserve," including necessities) so there's a sort of capitalist realism. The only thing is that people pretend like they don't know fiat capitalism is tied to the state, so capitalism and state are not two different things. "Hard money" like gold or bitcoin would be more of a market thing than actual "capitalism" because it's harder to accrue gold/bitcoin the same way you can accrue fiat.

I think right wingers don't understand how limited the influence of past societies were when they didn't have modern fiat and had to devalue their own currencies like the Romans did to silver coins.

sometimes all you can do is feed the victor less
last edit on 10/18/2024 12:07:35 AM
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