Once COVID was over businesses were given incentive to lower their prices down to reasonable ranges once supplies were no longer as costly, yet grocery stores decided to instead rake in the profit of the suddenly cheaper production behind otherwise keeping to the former prices.
It's why it's even being tackled as an issue right now, and why they keep trying to bribe people with coupons.
The comments section on that video though.
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Look at 2020
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John Stewart's issue is that he compared this to the 2008 economics collapse and is more dismissive of the great depression. He does talk about how jobs recovered quickly faster than the fall in 2008 but he still doesn't account for inflation due to money printing in that regard.
People that rich aren't really affected by things like this, as they can always afford whatever they need without any struggles.
So far we see the US has spent more money than it ever has in history. More money than the 13 most expensive US wars combined ? Seriously ? And they printed a fuck ton of money and put it into the economy. And does printing money cause inflation ?
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Why did Stocks and Cryptocurrency and other assets go up in value... when everyone is broke and not enough money to significantly impact the price action ? Because the dollar lost it's purchasing power and a really big way, so it's not that the asset class went up in value, but rather the dollar went down in value driving their prices up and making them more difficult to obtain. Open markets are as they are, open markets and the value of any asset can only rely on it's demand and the strength of the currency it's paired with.
Again. The biggest money printing in history, and it wasn't just in the US.
One guy on that John Stewart video commented, and I recall this as well...
I'll never forget how when the markets looked shaky soon after lockdown, the Federal Reserve poured hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars into the stock market without a second thought. Meanwhile, people fought the stimulus payments tooth and nail, despite most working class Americans being unemployed. That's when I realized the ruling class rules where politics directs its energy, and blaming it on the poor has always worked in American politics.
Yes. I did that shit too because..... Things like Ethereum and Bitcoin behave as stocks AND they are a hedge against inflation, hence them being more difficult to buy today while cabbage cost $7.
Trust me. Things aren't more expensive out of corporate greed. Whoever can sell for cheaper will make more than they're making now but the problem is no one can really afford to sell for cheaper. This is simple stuff.