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Price caps

Posts: 2670

I am conflicted on this one. Things are really expensive and companies are definitely fucking us all more than necessary. But people claim we can have a famine if we do this. I can't make up my mind. 

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Price caps

Check the Cyberpunk setting if you want to see what sort of thing can happen when corporations are given no oversight or limits. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Price caps

Check the Cyberpunk setting if you want to see what sort of thing can happen when corporations are given no oversight or limits. 

 I see what you mean. Okay, that makes sense

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 186
0 votes RE: Price caps

The dollar lost some of it's purchasing power so everything goes up in price. ( This is why everything is more expensive ) 

If they pass a law to fix prices on goods and services, then the goods won't be as abundant, and there will be no competitive pricing. 

It would be like tossing a few sandwiches in a cafeteria filled with hungry people, where first comes first serve will benefit.

The reason why that would happen is because there is a global market. Imported goods will be too good for the US. We also have other nations fixing to create new currencies to topple the USD.

Pay close attention....The world will buy from the US at a discount, and buy in bulk, and sell to the US at prices that will make the US citizens head spin 

Don't listen to Kamala. 


Posts: 186
0 votes RE: Price caps

But wouldn't selling to the US at higher prices be illegal ? You might ask.

It should be but then the DNC will implement tariffs, and imported good will have to be more expensive because it is imported, or it can't be sold to the US at all, then.....

big then, get this........the US will no longer be the center of world trade. Because it can't be.

Regardless, the world will still buy as much as the can from the US, and it will across the board. It benefits the US government and not it's people. 

Problem is the US has too many dumb people in power. What's important to them is they get your vote, then they'll sell out the nation even more. 


Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Price caps

But wouldn't selling to the US at higher prices be illegal ? You might ask.

It should be but then the DNC will implement tariffs, and imported good will have to be more expensive because it is imported, or it can't be sold to the US at all, then.....

big then, get this........the US will no longer be the center of world trade. Because it can't be.

Regardless, the world will still buy as much as the can from the US, and it will across the board. It benefits the US government and not it's people. 

Problem is the US has too many dumb people in power. What's important to them is they get your vote, then they'll sell out the nation even more. 


 Ok that makes sense

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Price caps

The dollar lost some of it's purchasing power so everything goes up in price. ( This is why everything is more expensive ) 

If they pass a law to fix prices on goods and services, then the goods won't be as abundant, and there will be no competitive pricing. 

Competitive pricing is the problem, while setting a standard would have competition become over quality instead with a more accurate reflection over product demand that can actually be met by people without being gouged quite as harshly by Insurance companies. 

This makes sense to do with food after how Super Markets took advantage of the market shift, they didn't reduce their prices when stocking their shelves went down in price. Even now they won't lower prices, instead offering coupons that are limited to one household purchase per month. 

This makes sense to do with medicine after how it's affected availability and insurance prices. Setting a standard will give a more realistic idea of the demand for it. 

With price standardizing, you'll either see corners being cut to make a profit within the expected margins, or you'll see the quality and techniques improve to ensure they outsell their competitors. 

It would be like tossing a few sandwiches in a cafeteria filled with hungry people, where first comes first serve will benefit. 

This is why they offer food stamps instead, it's much more efficient than how you've imagined things. 


Pay close attention....The world will buy from the US at a discount, and buy in bulk, and sell to the US at prices that will make the US citizens head spin 

If the US continues to compete in matters of production, as we've seen increase since Biden's been in office, then they will be able to get discounts for imported goods by offering discounts on their own. 

It's when you're captive to other countries as the sole producers that you see price raises. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 8/21/2024 10:20:43 PM
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Price caps
Delora said: 

But wouldn't selling to the US at higher prices be illegal ? You might ask.

It should be but then the DNC will implement tariffs, and imported good will have to be more expensive because it is imported, or it can't be sold to the US at all, then.....

It's a Right Wing solution to up the tariff price for selling their own goods to foreign countries, but in response other countries will do the same back towards us. 

With that the price of imports will grow, and in turn our food prices will increase again. For  a business to run there needs to be profit, so if prices go up in the middle then every price following will reflect sharp increases as well. 

big then, get this........the US will no longer be the center of world trade. Because it can't be.

It already isn't, wtf are you going on about? 

Regardless, the world will still buy as much as the can from the US, and it will across the board. It benefits the US government and not it's people. 

Problem is the US has too many dumb people in power. What's important to them is they get your vote, then they'll sell out the nation even more. 

And your solution is the guy who doesn't even know how to answer most questions thrown at him. Typically when asked a question he'll either talk about the people involved or he'll accuse the one asking of having no idea what it means as a projection over his own confusion with the subject. 

He didn't even know what a DEI Hire was until recently, and that people can belong to more than one camp when it comes to racial politics. 

 Ok that makes sense

It doesn't, but okay. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 8/21/2024 10:18:04 PM
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Price caps
Delora said: 

But wouldn't selling to the US at higher prices be illegal ? You might ask.

It should be but then the DNC will implement tariffs, and imported good will have to be more expensive because it is imported, or it can't be sold to the US at all, then.....

It's a Right Wing solution to up the tariff price for selling their own goods to foreign countries, but in response other countries will do the same back towards us. 

With that the price of imports will grow, and in turn our food prices will increase again. 

big then, get this........the US will no longer be the center of world trade. Because it can't be.

It already isn't, wtf are you going on about? 

Regardless, the world will still buy as much as the can from the US, and it will across the board. It benefits the US government and not it's people. 

Problem is the US has too many dumb people in power. What's important to them is they get your vote, then they'll sell out the nation even more. 

And your solution is the guy who doesn't even know how to answer most questions thrown at him. Typically when asked a question he'll either talk about the people involved or he'll accuse the one asking of having no idea what it means as a projection over his own confusion with the subject. 

He didn't even know what a DEI Hire was until recently, and that people can belong to more than one camp when it comes to racial politics. 

 Ok that makes sense

It doesn't, but okay. 

 I don't understand economics. Can you explain it to me like I am five? If not it's okay. I can figure it out on my own to. But I'm really curious to know what other people think and why. 

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 186
0 votes RE: Price caps

The dollar lost some of it's purchasing power so everything goes up in price. ( This is why everything is more expensive ) 

If they pass a law to fix prices on goods and services, then the goods won't be as abundant, and there will be no competitive pricing. 

Competitive pricing is the problem, while setting a standard would have competition become over quality instead with a more accurate reflection over product demand that can actually be met by people without being gouged quite as harshly by Insurance companies. 

This makes sense to do with food after how Super Markets took advantage of the market shift, they didn't reduce their prices when stocking their shelves went down in price. Even now they won't lower prices, instead offering coupons that are limited to one household purchase per month. 

This makes sense to do with medicine after how it's affected availability and insurance prices. Setting a standard will give a more realistic idea of the demand for it. 

With price standardizing, you'll either see corners being cut to make a profit within the expected margins, or you'll see the quality and techniques improve to ensure they outsell their competitors. 

Makes sense if your head is in the clouds and the world is compliant and perfect. The real world isn't like that. 

Competitive pricing incentivises business to lower prices. It's no secret that Honda Civic makes more money than Lamborghini. The best seller is the cheaper one and more profitable, and that is competitive pricing. 

If the US puts a cap on prices, the world will eat them alive and they cannot be the center of world trade anymore. 


It would be like tossing a few sandwiches in a cafeteria filled with hungry people, where first comes first serve will benefit. 

This is why they offer food stamps instead, it's much more efficient than how you've imagined things. 

The rest of the world doesn't even know what food stamps are. But I imagine they are some kind of prepaid token accepted as payment by grocery stores in the US. 

Also you're responding to a model and not a matter of fact.

So again, nothing to do with a socialized program that feeds the poor. A price cap would be like tossing a few sandwiches in a cafeteria filled with hungry people. This is true while US the is oil dependent on other nations.


Pay close attention....The world will buy from the US at a discount, and buy in bulk, and sell to the US at prices that will make the US citizens head spin 

If the US continues to compete in matters of production, as we've seen increase since Biden's been in office, then they will be able to get discounts for imported goods by offering discounts on their own. 

It's when you're captive to other countries as the sole producers that you see price raises. 

 You have no idea what inflation is and how it works and why it happens, and why it's happening now. 

It's not that prices raised, it's because the dollar lost it's purchasing power. 

The farmer HAS to charge more, as does the transport trucks that delivers the food, because their energy costs are much higher. It causes a cascade effect and the retailer has to sell for more, and they need to make more, and then people want more money cause they need more money, and the market favors the seller. 

If in this case Kamala fixes prices, the farmer and the delivery truck won't be able to afford the energy required to operate and they will cease their operations. ( The world won't lower prices because Kamala said so )

Demand will go up, while demands continue to not be met, and then the US will turn into a 3rd world country, much more than it is now. The USD will also turn to shit while the other rich nations prosper in a free and open market. 

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