If I was Noah I would've at least slapped her silly.
Yeah but when Noah hits me I just get off on it what are ya gonna do
If he's fine with it then why does it matter. You like getting beat and no one's making a big deal about it. It's just knife play innit
He also seems fine with her stabbing his dad, which is kind of intense.
If he's fine with it then why does it matter. You like getting beat and no one's making a big deal about it. It's just knife play innit
He also seems fine with her stabbing his dad, which is kind of intense.
That's probably fine too. If they're okay with it, it doesn't matter and when it turns out no longer okay then we get worm boy v.2
Honestly you can't help someone that doesn't want the help nor wants to listen. After awhile you just come off sounding way too invested in their issues. The thing with BR and Del has been going on for years, he's a grown man that makes his own decisions and by constantly trying tell him what a shitty relationship he's in, the more you're going to make him justify to himself what a good idea it is to continue it.
Personally I think they're good together and should continue to experience each others brand of crazy on a daily basis.
If he's fine with it then why does it matter. You like getting beat and no one's making a big deal about it. It's just knife play innit
He also seems fine with her stabbing his dad, which is kind of intense.
That's probably fine too. If they're okay with it, it doesn't matter and when it turns out no longer okay then we get worm boy v.2
Honestly you can't help someone that doesn't want the help nor wants to listen.
I know, but this topic also largely did what I wanted: She stopped being like "Hey guys, guess what I did" on loop by getting him to eventually sign on.
He then externalizes her behavior as if it's the world's fault while repeating how she's such a genius, which after a night or two of them fighting and some fucked up makeup sex gets her to shut up. It's how she demands his attention when she feels ignored, and if it passes a certain point she begins insulting him for attention. Rushing to the conclusion's the only real solution beyond further enabling their humiliation fetish.
If I'm going to be insulted for not being a 'good moral person' over it either way, at least one of them is a better outcome. This otherwise can go on for weeks if no threats are issued.
He also seems fine with her stabbing his dad, which is kind of intense.
That's probably fine too. If they're okay with it, it doesn't matter and when it turns out no longer okay then we get worm boy v.2
Honestly you can't help someone that doesn't want the help nor wants to listen.
I know, but this topic also largely did what I wanted: She stopped being like "Hey guys, guess what I did" on loop by getting him to eventually sign on.
He then externalizes her behavior as if it's the world's fault while repeating how she's such a genius, which after a night or two of them fighting and some fucked up makeup sex gets her to shut up. It's how she demands his attention when she feels ignored, and if it passes a certain point she begins insulting him for attention. Rushing to the conclusion's the only real solution beyond further enabling their humiliation fetish.
If I'm going to be insulted for not being a 'good moral person' over it either way, at least one of them is a better outcome. This otherwise can go on for weeks if no threats are issued.
You are wrong because a LOT more.sex was involved than you describe and it was a LOT more.fucked up.
There was a lot of horrible shit involved that you cannot imagine. Like toothpick toenail torture.
Also when BR compliments me he's actually being an ass it makes me upset. Also when he defends me it makes.me upset. I'm trying to be a major asshole and he isn't letting me look like a major asshole and it's pissing me off and he better stop being a bad boy or he's gonna be punished.
She wants it to be noticed, lets make it noticed.
Relevant Topics:
Her admitting to the crime: I stabbed my husband in a delusional episode
Her husband wanting it forgotten: it is what it is
Her begging me to help: Turncoat
Bottom Line: She's been spamming someone she wants to poison, then she stabs her husband thinking it's his father within a short window of time. After a history of self-harming behaviors as well it's clear that it's spreading towards those around her, qualifying as both "A Danger To Herself and Others".
He clearly wishes to bury it, like he's done with every other time she's acted out, but he clearly does not see what risk that's putting both them and other people that there is in doing so. You two should seriously consider getting her checked inpatient somewhere, before it's done involuntarily and therefor a worse outcome overall. You two can't fix this yourselves, it will get worse, GET HELP.
If you keep asking me for help, I will call them for you.
Bro, looks like he thought my balance of crazy was easy to find. Everyone is crazy, but some of us can control ourselves, so the craziest things about us, aren’t true, or even if they are true, were done in self defence, not a delusional rage. The truth is certainly revealing itself lately. Soon it will be difficult to deny the truth.
If he's fine with it then why does it matter. You like getting beat and no one's making a big deal about it. It's just knife play innit
He also seems fine with her stabbing his dad, which is kind of intense.
That's probably fine too. If they're okay with it, it doesn't matter and when it turns out no longer okay then we get worm boy v.2
Honestly you can't help someone that doesn't want the help nor wants to listen. After awhile you just come off sounding way too invested in their issues. The thing with BR and Del has been going on for years, he's a grown man that makes his own decisions and by constantly trying tell him what a shitty relationship he's in, the more you're going to make him justify to himself what a good idea it is to continue it.
Personally I think they're good together and should continue to experience each others brand of crazy on a daily basis.
That is what they chose.