Jada said:God can both know and not know something at the same time.
Where does it say God doesn't know something?
I don't care which idiots you've argued with, by the way, Most Christians who debate are poor at it. They can be deceived into taking on a position that was never theirs to begin with.
Yet you'd bring up a "Most Christians" argument over how they are not Fundamentalist? Who's to say that those who follow The Bible as anything but Fundamentalism is 'Deceived' in this case?
How can you sit here and say they are doing it wrong, while also saying they are doing it right? Unlike your weird God construct you've cobbled together with little basis in the texts, people are bound by logic.
They have good intentions, but they are just not as well-versed in making logical arguments as I am, since logic and science is how I make my living. You using logic means you've already lost.
There is nothing in The Bible to support that God is beyond Logic, merely that He is beyond mortal understanding. We can sit here and accept that God is All-Knowing and All-Seeing as a 'witness' of sorts without being able to comprehend how that works, and if anything God's path is often construed as 'the logical one' over how he sees the outcome before He even acts.
It's easy to say God can't sin when He can literally see what comes of it later, paving the way to do so-called 'Bad' behaviors in the name of a 'Greater Good'. This is how they've been able to justify warfare in spite of the moral tenants the faith claims to adhere to.
As for the whole bible vs belief thing, I don't care about it to be honest. It means nothing to me if people became Christians through the environment they grew up in, reading the bible, or some personal holy experience. Only people like you care, but you're not a believer, so who gives a shit lol.
This stance in a debate sounds like giving up to me, you're basically on the stance of "Who Cares" while arguing points you clearly care enough about to type out.
I'd be more prone to giving up on the discussion myself meanwhile once you're no longer arguing from the source material. Between every Christian there is The Bible, even within their splintering of faiths, so it makes sense to address the commonality among them unless you're going to say "The Bible Is Wrong".
If your stance is that "The Bible Is Wrong", then you're in the frame of mind to believe in literally anything. You even stand to have the room to believe Jesus is your boyfriend like Turquie did through this kind of path.