I saw some of these me around the Internet about people saying that it would be transphobic to not want to date trans people.
I mean, it sounded so ridiculous to me that I thought it was some kind of a joke to fuel anti-trans hate by right-wing nutjobs, but turns out this thing was real:
I mean for fucks sake. To be fair, I should point out that the article, like many others, say:
"Before we dive into why these numbers reflect some combination of ignorance and transphobia, I want to get one point out of the way first: this article is not to suggest in any way, shape, or form that people "owe" transgender people dating opportunities or sex."
But, in my humble opinion, it does just that. I mean, the article pretty much concludes trans people should be owed sex or the whole population is transphobic.
Another, even more radical example is here:
"(..) you might be missing out on sex that’s fun and pleasurable just because you’re unable to see a penis as feminine or a vulva as masculine. How is my permanently attached strapon functionally any different than a cis woman’s detachable strapon?"
Lmao. I mean, I agree, but I mean cmon, calling someone transphobic because they don't want to get a dick up their ass...
Same here: https://mashable.com/article/no-trans-people-preference-transphobic
"“No trans people” cannot be a preference, because the only characteristic shared by all trans people is transness."
How can it not be a preference? That's like saying "no dead people" cannot be a preference because the only characteristic shared by all dead people is that they're dead. People have all sorts of preferences. I'd imagine if I went and started thinking that I'm entitled to sex from all women and that they're x-phobic if they don't let me fuck them, yeah, I would imagine that'd be a problem. Some people want to date people within a certain race, they have height preferences, age preferences, etc, etc. Literally no other group gets a pass on forcing anyone to want to have sex with them.
However, to be fair, I did notice that this is a fringe view. Having scoured a similar question in a topic on a trans forum, most trans people at least there didn't feel like it was transphobic for someone to have a strong preference towards dating non-trans people. Most trans people do not seem to hold this view.
So what you think?
Transphobic or not?